Economic Benefits of Using an Office Space for Lease in Paranaque

What are the economic advantages of leasing an office space?

  1. Cost-effectiveness
  2. A multitude of options
  3. Growth in the industry



Startups and small businesses have to think wisely about the office space they are going to use. When you have an office space, you also have to think about future expenses such as utilities, cleaning, etc. Because of these costs, it might be more financially smart to use office space for lease in Paranaque or other cities where you may want to work in. These are the reasons why you should consider renting office space:



A more cost-effective and strategic initial investment

A more cost-effective and strategic initial investment

A property is worth buying if it will be used and developed for at least a decade. Usually, businesses and companies that have been experiencing positive growth for at least seven years are the only ones who can afford to purchase a property.

If you are a start-up business, it may be less costly to get office space for lease in Paranaque. First, utilities and furniture will all be maintained by the landlord. Second, you can avoid debt or prevent getting more debt. Most businesses in their first year are basically bleeding money and it seems unnecessary to spend on a permanent place because it can’t give back income anyway. The fewer expenses you have, the better.



Your business will have more options

More and more people are working in places other than the main office. Moreover, all working spaces are not made equally and it is hard to assume that one it will not burden you later on at first inspection. Maybe, your new neighbors became too overbearing for you after seven months. Maybe, you finally found a loyal customer base after one year, but your office is too far away.


Because of these scenarios, it might be better for small business to rent office space from a business that allows monthly or six month rents. Workplays, an events space in BF Paranaque, allows a startup to rent a private room for 38,000 pesos a month. It’s not very expensive to move here or move out. Of course, if you plan to stay for here for the long-term, a six-month lock-in and one-year lock-in options are also available.



The office rental industry is growing

The office rental industry is growing

Whenever a business is looking for an office space, the decision makers should also take into account the local economy. In the Philippines, global business locators and traditional Filipino businesses have been making the relatively young office market experience growth. Office space owners have been managing their leasing rates to stay exceptionally competitive. Additionally, 1.4 million square meters of office space was expected to be added in 2018. Prime office rents increased by 3.4 percent in the second quarter of 2017.

Because of our current economy’s data, it can be assumed that events spaces in BF Paranaque, as well as other villages and cities, will be easier to find and buy.



Key Takeaway

Acquiring an office space does not call for an impulse decision. You have to consider several factors before thinking of buying or renting one. At the end of the day, many businesses benefit more from renting.

4 Renovation Ideas for an Office Space for Lease in Paranaque

What are the best renovation ideas for an office space for lease in Paranaque?

  1. Painting
  2. Mixing in outdoor aesthetics with the indoors
  3. Adding in game rooms
  4. Developing a library



Offices spaces for lease in Paranaque are all around the city nowadays! This, in turn, gives numerous startup companies the chance to start and set-up camp for their headquarters and/or overall business!

This is even more apparent in the iconic locations of Paranaque such as BF Homes, where there are literally numerous establishments set around the subdivision, you’d have so many options to choose to set up a property of your own!

Of course, many of these Paranaque office spaces for lease are open for renovation, whether it be minor or a full-scale one. If you happen to be one of those business owners who wish to renovate their office space, here are 4 of some of the best ideas for you to try:




While this renovation idea may be a bit too common, painting can actually bring out a more creative side in you, one that mixes in with the professional aspect of your work! Office spaces can surely use a touch of color on their walls—so, why not add some?

This renovation idea can take on numerous forms: from merely painting the walls with lively colors according to your choice of mood; to adding a few works of art to the canvas that is your blank office wall! The inspiration that this idea can bring is endless!



Mixing in Outdoor Aesthetic with the Indoors

Mixing in Outdoor Aesthetic with the Indoors

While your office is usually situated indoors, there is nothing that says “inviting to nature” than mixing the aesthetics with the outdoors! Modern work spaces enable their tenants to venture outside and work outside, which is great for workers who like to work with fresh air.

In fact, you can even keep it simple by adding some plants to your office’s interior decorating plan. If you wish to keep it easy to handle, make sure to get plants that are easy to maintain, meaning they won’t die as soon as you touch them.



Game Rooms

Of course, when it comes to any office around, there will be instances where relaxation is craved by many employees of the office! This idea is great for various offices around the country, especially those who work in co-working spaces, as it allows them to just unwind after a particularly stressful day and just play whatever games are there to play!

This can also be handled in any way you want! If you’re looking for a touch of the techy, why not add some game consoles to the room? If you’re looking for old-school game aesthetic, then board games and the occasional pool table are your best bets!



Developing a Library 

Developing a Library

There’s nothing being able to unwind with a good book in your hand, as well as a good cup of coffee on your other hand! With that being said, why not add a library in your office space? Add in some of the best books to the mix as well, all for the bookworm employees under your wind!



Key Takeaway

There are more ideas for you to explore—and the more you explore, the more your office space for lease in Paranaque will be as captivating as your own company!

Virtual Office vs. Traditional Office: Find Out What’s Best for You

What are the things to consider when choosing between a traditional and a virtual office?

  1. Convenience and customer trust
  2. Flexibility and accountability



There has been a long-standing debate on which is the better setup for certain kinds of businesses. With the growing preference for convenient ways to work and easy shortcuts to age-old techniques, many startup businesses have now elected to go with a virtual office. Manila, the capital of the Philippines, is home to many small and medium businesses that have most if not all their operations via virtual offices. However, there are still more companies that use the traditional office setting because it is what has always been done in the past.

If you are planning on starting a business or restructuring your business, one of the most important things to consider is the office setting. Both the traditional and the virtual office setting has their perks. To identify which one is the most ideal for your business, you have to choose which one fits what you need the most.



Convenience and Customer Trust

Convenience and Customer Trust

Virtual offices basically let employees do all of their work anywhere they want. It prioritizes the convenience of the workers. Since most people who work in virtual offices do so in their homes, have a very flexible way of working, and don’t have to worry about the stress of commuting to and from a workplace. Startups in Manila prefer to operate in a virtual office because office rent in the Philippines has done nothing but soar higher and higher.

However, because most virtual offices in Manila don’t have a physical location, they don’t have any place to interact with their customers and team face-to-face. Traditional offices have a physical location where all the employees, as well as the clients, go to make their transactions.

The presence of an office space makes it more likely for customers to trust the business, as they are able to interact with them. To make up for this, virtual offices typically book places for their face-to-face interactions with their customers or their team.

To put it simply, choosing each office setting will give you a boost to either the convenience of your work (virtual offices) or the customer trust that you gain (traditional offices). Both can obtain each other’s perk as the business moves forward.



Flexibility and Accountability

Flexibility and Accountability

A major difference between virtual offices and traditional offices is the work hours for the employees. The average employee usually works for 9 hours, usually having two 15 minute breaks and a 1-hour lunch break. Employees are usually required to monitor their time while working and on break. People who work in virtual offices, however, have the liberty to do what they want with their time. Apart from deadlines that they need to follow, people who work in virtual offices choose when they want to work.

If you want to be able to control your work hours, then a virtual office would be ideal for you. This kind of office setting lets you work any time of the day, for as short or as long as you want, and anywhere in the world. However, virtual offices are mostly results-based.

Traditional offices usually have fixed working hours that are heavily monitored by the management. Some of them have implemented a system called flextime where the employees can choose what time they can go to work, for as long as they get to reach a certain quota every week or month.

A virtual office is perfect for someone who wants to work in the comfort of their home. These people require huge amounts of discipline in focusing on their work.



Key Takeaway

The two most notable differences between virtual offices and traditional offices are the presence of a physical office, and how much freedom the employees have with regards to when and where they work.

For people who are starting a business, virtual offices are highly favored because of how office rent in the Philippines has been continually getting more expensive. For most people who are uncomfortable with the traditional office setting, and would rather work in the comfort of their home, then a virtual office would be perfect. On the other hand, people who can’t focus well at home and need a space dedicated to them for work are much better off with traditional offices.

What to Look for in a Virtual Office in the Philippines

What should you look for in a virtual office in the Philippines?

  1. Convenient location
  2. Cutting-edge technology
  3. Spacious conference rooms



Virtual offices in Manila and other cities have been steadily gaining popularity among small business owners, startups, and freelancers. While it was originally thought of only as a way to “look like you are there when you are not”, virtual offices have evolved to become an all-around solution to the different problems businesses face.

It can provide small businesses and startups almost everything they need to give an appearance of professionalism, from a simple shared space and/or access to meeting rooms, a business address for your company, to fully furnished boardrooms and executive suites.

Because most companies are being forced to optimize in order to remain profitable, some of them are even choosing to have their employees to work remotely to reduce the cost of maintaining the cost of office rent in the Philippines. If you are in a situation where you need to explore the different choices of virtual offices available, here are a few things you should look for:



Convenient Location

Convenient Location

Just because your business is probably going to be remote most of the time, do not assume that your clients or anybody else will not visit your offices. Clients will want to meet with you in a place that is professional in nature, so it is not out of the question that they may choose to meet in your offices.

When you are looking for a virtual office in Manila or other cities, make sure that it is located somewhere convenient. Aside from clients and customers, you might also have to call in your current employees or new hires for training and onboarding. This means that you want to find a virtual office that is located somewhere that is in a relatively central and accessible location and easy for everyone to drive or commute in.



Cutting-Edge Technology

If your virtual office has a full suite of office tech like large, easy-to-use printers that can scan and print a complicated array of paperwork or high-speed internet, you might find that your employees are more eager to come in the office. Workers that have an easier time when it comes to doing their job are more encouraged to come into work every day.

Choose a virtual office that can give you that additional value through the technology they can provide you and your employees. Make sure that your employees will have easy access to any office infrastructure they might need during the rare occasion when the resources they need are not available at their home.



Spacious Conference Rooms

Spacious Conference Rooms

You should actually visit the virtual offices you plan on using and take a look at their facilities before committing to them since you are probably going to spend a considerable amount of time in those offices and conference rooms.

You should consider looking for a place that has at least one private and elegantly decorated conference room. Aside from having a nice, spacious area for training your employees, this can also be the perfect place for you to impress your clients who want to meet in your office.



Key Takeaway

A traditional office for rent in the Philippines can be a good option for other companies that may have already been established or have grown too big, but a virtual space might just be the perfect thing for a freelancer or a small startup business.

Having the freedom to let your employees work from home or anywhere else can be great for modern businesses and professionals alike. However, no matter how easy it may be, you are still going to need a physical location and address with a mailbox from which your business can be officially reached.

How a Change in Location Can Help Improve Productivity

How can a simple change in location sometimes improve productivity?

  1. New colors can influence emotion
  2. Natural light can be refreshing
  3. A different layout promotes a smooth flow


If you work in a virtual office in Manila, you have probably noticed that the place you do work in can change the kind of person you are. In coffee shops, you might find yourself easily distracted by the friendly chatter from the people walking through. An office for rent in the Philippines, however, probably prompts you to buckle down and be more professional.

The place you work at can affect your energy level, focus, and concentration. Sitting in the same place for hours on end can take a toll on your creativity and productivity. The good news is that you can easily do something about this: change your location!

Altering the environment which you work in can do wonders for your mental health. Tweaking a few of the things we often take for granted such as color, lighting, and the layout around you can make you more effective at work. Here are a few reasons why a simple change in location can sometimes improve productivity:


New colors can influence emotion


Color has been used to subtly influence productivity and emotion for a long time, even as far back as ancient Egypt and China. Being in the right room with the right colors has been shown to affect both how detailed and creative you are, and your mood.

For example, the colors blue and green can increase your imagination and creativity while reds can excite, stimulate, and increase your attention to detail as well as your reaction times.

Yellows and oranges can brighten a room as well as improve the mood of the people inside while blues are great for conference rooms because it can boost brainstorming and friendliness. Reds, on the other hand, are typically used in entryways to incite a feeling of power and excitement.

Too much of any color, however, can have negative effects too. A lot of yellow, for instance, can be over-stimulating and distracting and darker reds are usually associated with anxiety and anger. Take a look at your potential office for rent in the Philippines to see what colors it has before you decide to work in there.


Natural light can be refreshing


The right lighting can have a dramatic effect on effectiveness and productivity. There are studies that show that using natural lighting can result in as much as 20 percent increase in productivity and a 25 percent boost for your memory and mental functions.

But again, it all comes down to finding the right balance. Too much lighting can create glare which leads to headaches and other problems.

To give yourself some flexibility, try and find a virtual office in Manila with custom shades installed so you can control the amount of natural sunlight coming in. Being able to control the amount of light coming in can also impact the temperature of the room, leading to reduced cooling and heating costs.


A different layout promotes a smooth flow

 office layout

After considering colors and lighting, you should also take note the condition and layout of the new place you are going to work in. The furniture should fulfill whatever need you may have, as well as be comfortable and in good condition.

Find a place with ergonomically-designed chairs, desks, and furniture to help you stay safe and comfortable while you work. Additionally, a new layout also promotes flow; not only does it looks good, it also makes you more effective and efficient.


Key Takeaway


Depending on your personality, a change of scenery can immensely affect your productivity. Not everyone can thrive with rigid structure in our lives; showing up at the same office every day to work may not just be your cup of tea.

If you are the sort of person that welcomes new environments and enjoys the company of new people, a change in working location might just be the thing you need.

The Value of Mindfulness in a Coworking Space in the Philippines

How does mindfulness help create a better workplace?

1.  Mindfulness helps improve office morale and foster good employee relationships.

2.  Mindfulness helps strengthen focus and improve work quality.

3.  The coworking spaces help foster mindfulness by establishing a small and effective community of like-minded individuals.


Coworking spaces in the Philippines have been on a rise in the past few years – with numerous spaces being established across the country. It has become the preferred destination for employees, entrepreneurs, and freelancers who are looking for an accessible and affordable working location that has all of the things they need like food and beverages, Wi-Fi, and comfortable furniture. With the rising office rent in the Philippines, coworking spaces have become a more cost-effective choice.

Coworking spaces create a productive community and encourage a cooperative atmosphere that helps get business done. This does wonders to people’s mindfulness, especially in a time where it has become important. Mindfulness can be a big factor in seeing if an office is productive or not, which is why it is valuable. To learn more about this, here is the value of mindfulness in a Philippine coworking space.



What is mindfulness

What is mindfulness?

Since some people are not exactly familiar with the term, mindfulness is a term that can be used in the workplace. In a world where work is highly demanding and rigorous, mindfulness can be integrated into the workplace to improve office morale and foster a stronger and more cooperative workplace. This is something that can help the entire workplace in terms of how much work is done and even the quality of work. With communication, empathy, and sociability being a very important part of today’s work environment, mindfulness helps get these values and traits going.


The Value of Mindfulness

The Value of Mindfulness

One of the things that need to be smoothened out and fostered in the workplace is good relationships between co-workers. Establishing good manners and rapport is always something that you would love to have in the workplace as it is an instant morale booster. Some companies have been struggling in this department, which is why coworking spaces can be able to help improve employee relationships.

Being in a coworking space allows you to interact with different people from a variety of industries. This not only helps expand your personal network, but also develop positive and fruitful relationships. This helps create a sense of community that cooperates with each other, which is one of the main goals of having coworking spaces.

Having mindfulness allows you to function in work properly as well, as it would improve your mentality and strengthen your focus. This allows you to accomplish your tasks properly and on time. This would be able to create a stable work environment, that is able to find the right balance between work, rest, and fun. With good mindfulness, people would be able to achieve more at their work.


The Impact of the Coworking Space

The Impact of the Coworking Space

Thanks to the diversity and openness that coworking spaces provide you, you would be able to create a great atmosphere that is social and interactive. Coworking spaces in the Philippines have been at the forefront in developing mindfulness and cooperation at work and will continue to do so in the next few years. Mindfulness has been researched for a long period of time already, and the studies show that companies and places that encourage it have become more productive and effective. With the high office rent in the Philippines, it would be no surprise to see more coworking spaces being established in the country.


Key Takeaway

Mindfulness is something that can be developed into something special and productive in the workplace. By fostering this idea in coworking spaces in the Philippines, we would be able to have the best working environment that makes everything simply work.

The Uncanny Resemblance of a 15th-Century Workshop with Coworking Spaces in the Philippines or Anywhere in the World

What are the similarities between a modern coworking space and a 15th-century workshop?

1.  Both of these places are avenues for ideas and actions.

2.  The workshop and the coworking space are places where people are able to interact and expand their personal networks.

3.  Both places are melting pots of culture.

4.  Both places are accessible and affordable.


Coworking spaces in the Philippines are on an upward trend during the past few years, with more people – especially from start-ups. More people prefer to work here, due to the fact that the prices of the office rent in the Philippines are constantly on an upward trend. These places provide people with a workplace that provides a conducive and productive atmosphere, with all of the facilities and amenities available at a moment’s notice. The flexible design allows people to be able to work and interact with their fellow people at work and expand their personal network.

While the concept of the coworking space seems like a very modern concept, something similar emerged a few centuries ago. The workshop came into prominence during the 15th century and became a place where artists and intellectuals interact with each other and exchange knowledge and expertise. With this uncanny resemblance, let us take a look at the similarities between the two places that are generations apart.



A place of ideas and action

A place of ideas and action

15th-century workshops are known to be the breeding grounds for innovations and new and fresh ideas that have yet to come to fruition. Some of these innovations and inventions helped push the Renaissance period to new heights and bring the world into the modern era.

Meanwhile, the coworking space aims to be the place that can do something similar – with entrepreneurs, start-ups, and freelancers. These young and bright people continually create a network in which they would be able to cooperate with each other to help their ideas lift off beyond the concept stage. For example, a coworking space in the Philippines is mostly visited and widely used by some of the youngest members of the workforce, and they get to interact with like-minded people that allow them to gain inspiration and help each other’s ideas get off the ground and come into reality.



Networking and fostering good communication

Networking and fostering good communication

In today’s coworking space, people are allowed to communicate and interact with each other, which helps build their personal network that will definitely help get ideas running. With communication and networking becoming more important than ever, it is best to be able to interact with as many people as a possible. Coworking spaces in the Philippines allow this to happen, thanks to the innovative and open nature of the design.

During the 15th century, communication was not as smooth and streamlined as it is today as people only have a limited means of communicating with each other. This then becomes a challenge since distance plays a big factor. Workshops are some of the few locations that allow them to meet up with like-minded people, who are able to understand and challenge their ideas, and give inspiration to new ones.



A melting pot of culture

A melting pot of culture

With businesses becoming more diverse and international, coworking spaces have become a melting pot of culture as well, with some of the brightest young minds connecting with people from different parts of the world. Some of the world’s largest international companies began through conversations online or during visits in their respective countries. With coworking spaces more common than ever, these are becoming places in which these exchanges can occur.

During the Renaissance period, artists and intellectuals have a similar concept, as they tend to travel and go around to look for like-minded people. This means they visit cities and towns that have workshops. The multi-cultural influence can sometimes be evident in some of the art, as some artists tend to mix up styles in order to get their desired result. This multi-cultural exchange allows the creation of universal styles and practices that encourage diversity.





One of the main reasons why people go to coworking spaces is that they are affordable and accessible. With office rent in the Philippines becoming costlier, coworking spaces in the Philippines allow them to be able to work in a space that has all the amenities they need, without having to worry about the cost.

Workshops during the 15th century are similar, as they tend to be open as long as there are people working in it. Most of these artists and intellectuals do not have the finances, which is why seeing these workshops are a welcome sight.


Key Takeaway

Whether it be in the modern period or during the 15th century, coworking has been a concept that has helped innovate their respective eras. For the bright and young minds that are just beginning to gain their footing in their respective industries, the coworking space is truly an avenue for more opportunities.