4 Unique Work from Home Break Ideas

What are some unique work from home break ideas?

  1. Jog in place for 15 minutes
  2. Play with your pets
  3. Eat your favorite meal
  4. Play a short video game


The work from home lifestyle has been going on for more than a year or so. While most have successfully adapted to this drastic change, many are having difficulty in some aspects, be it staying motivated, maintaining focus, or balancing work and life. Most experts have touted the benefits of taking at least 10 to 15-long work breaks to re energize and take on a new task. But few have been able to provide solutions once the novelty wears off. If you’re one of these people, then maybe a fresh new set of work from home break ideas may be just what you need for productivity. Check them out.


Jog In Place For 15 Minutes

If there’s simply not enough time in the morning for your morning run, then sneaking in a few jogs during your work break may give you just the endorphin boost that you need. Short exercises are extremely effective at increasing energy levels, reducing fatigue, and restoring focus.

For someone who’s been staying far too long staring at a computer screen, a quick jogging break also offers a break in the monotony of work from home life. Instead of just sitting idly and watching as the minutes of your break pass, make it worth your while by putting on some jogging shoes then breaking a sweat at an acceptable pace to some lively music.


Play with Your Pets

Play with Your Pets

Fur moms and dads have a shared understanding of what it’s like to work from home with pets. It does have its ups and downs — one simply cannot get a bit of productivity when their puppy makes the choice to sleep on a computer keyboard. In much the same way, pets at home require just the same amount of TLC they’ve been provided while you were going to the office in the past.

It may be time to change your perspective on the role that your pets play in your work from home life. Take their quirks as welcome distractions to an otherwise dull work day. Make time to play with them, rub their bellies, or reward them with a few treats simply by existing. Quality time with pets, after all, have been associated with a significant decrease in stress, better productivity, and an overall improvement in your mood.


Eat Your Favorite Meal

Not everyone will be able to afford preparing and having a full breakfast at home. Especially when you live alone, doing all this work can be too tiring — you’d rather settle with a warm cup of instant coffee and some toasted bread. You simply don’t have the luxury of time, and you’re paying for it by sacrificing a square meal.

Reward yourself for a change. During your lunch break, take it as an opportunity to order your favorite meal or satisfy a food craving that has been lingering for quite some time now. Not only will you be able to work with a full stomach, but you’ll also drastically improve your ability to remain focused on your tasks, no matter the gravity.


Play A Short Video Game

Play A Short Video Game

Much of the discussion about working from home has revolved around eliminating almost every distraction imaginable — video games, loud noises, fidget toys. However, the fact of the matter is that no one is prone to temptation to give in to these.

The next time you’re tempted to distract yourself from work by playing a few short minutes of an RPG or MOBA, try not to resist and allow yourself these few minutes of relaxation. Contrary to popular belief, video game breaks offer numerous benefits, such as boosting overall mood, lowering stress levels, and improving morale. Playing games may be something to look forward to, especially after spending all day taking calls, drafting contracts, and what have you.


Key Takeaway

Need an effective way to manage your work from home life? These work from home break ideas might just help you get back on track. From interacting with your pets to playing a short video game, these tricks may help you cultivate a more positive outline. Change up your daily work break routines and find creative ways to spend your breaks, no matter how short they may be — you definitely deserve it.

5 Tips to Avoid Overtime at Work

What are some tips to avoid overtime at work?

  1. Manage your workload
  2. Lessen distractions
  3. Stick to a schedule
  4. Know your limits
  5. Take short breaks


If there’s anything that the average employee hates more than working a stagnating job, it’s having to handle excessive work above their paygrade. You might have found yourself in the same situation before — working an extra three hours on top of your already grueling 9 or 8-hour shift just to meet a deadline. Without any knowledge of tips to avoid overtime at work, don’t expect yourself to clock out as soon as your shift ends.

Fortunately, there are things that you can do to lessen instances of overtime. Through knowing the best ways of managing your workload, lessening distractions, and knowing your limits, it’s certainly possible. Read on to learn more.


Manage Your Workload

Managing your workload is easier said than done, but once you get the hang of it, then it’ll be second-nature to you.

This can be done by making a list of your priorities. Work on tasks that you need to finish within the day first, as this helps get the most crucial work out of the way. Then, you’ll want to move on to the simpler and more menial tasks that don’t really require much of your brainpower.

Contrary to what people might tell you, don’t try to multitask in your work. Instead, focus on a single thing at a time, as this makes your job less overwhelming and more productive.


Lessen Distractions

Young handsome Indian businessman working overtime at home late at night

If your office has a strict, no-cellphone policy during working hours, then distractions are few and far in between. In the absence of one, however, then you might be victim to pesky disturbances that can chip away at your precious time.

As much as possible, you’d want to reduce any source of distractions especially if you’re working from home. Keep away all devices such as smartphones, handheld consoles, television sets, or virtually anything that may take your attention away from what you actually need to get done.


Stick to a Schedule

Not many employees will be too thrilled about the idea of sticking to a schedule at work. After all, no day is the same — it’s certain that you’ll be met with many unexpected work encounters that may push back the time you need to devote to your tasks.

However, you should at least try your best to come up with a daily work schedule that you can work with.

Try giving yourself a time limit by which you can accomplish a single work-related activity. Doing this allows you to gauge the level of your productivity and efficiency over time.


Know Your Limits

Content creator working overtime at home

Sure, it’s great if you always try going beyond the call of duty regarding your work. You don’t mind taking in more tasks that aren’t really within the scope of your job description — but is this really something that you can sustain in the long run?

Saying “no” to your superiors or colleagues can be something that you might have difficulty with, but you should be able to know your limits and assert yourself.

When you really cannot take on more work other than what you already have on your plate, it’s time to let your colleagues know that you simply cannot get it done within the day. Give them an idea of just how mentally and physically demanding your workload is. Stand your ground and don’t give in to their requests, even if they try to convince you otherwise.


Take Short Breaks

You might be thinking that taking breaks is counterproductive to avoid working overtime, but it doesn’t always have to be the case.

A great reason why you should make it a habit to take breaks is so that you don’t burn out fast. Remember: the life of an employee is a marathon and not a sprint. Becoming the best version of an employee that you could be is all about doing things in a more sustainable manner.

When you’re taking breaks, you’re re-energizing yourself just in time to take on the next set of tasks that you have to finish. In this way, you’ll be able to get the job done more efficiently and productively. You won’t find yourself slacking off and just letting precious time pass.


Key Takeaway

Some of the best tips to avoid overtime at work include the following: managing your workload, sticking to a schedule, knowing your limits, taking short breaks, and lessening distractions.

Although making these best work practices can be difficult in the beginning, it’s all about taking it slow and giving yourself time to adjust. Do them consistently and you’ll soon find yourself a happier and healthier employee.

4 Effective Tips for Managing a Team During the Pandemic

How do you manage a team during COVID-19?

  1. Determine What Roles That Can Be Done Remotely
  2. Prepare Employees for Frontline or Remote Work
  3. Frequently Check On Your Team
  4. Stay Connected


If you are a team leader, the pandemic will test your skills in managing a team. Several establishments have sent their employees home for remote work to prioritize health. But some establishments cannot operate without employees reporting for work in the office or establishment. As a team leader, it is important to know how to manage a team during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read on to learn more!


Determine What Roles That Can Be Done Remotely

Not all kinds of work can be done from home. Some examples of this are frontline work in the hospital, pharmacy, food establishment, transportation, and security. As a team leader, you have to determine what roles can be done at home, and what roles are not. Prioritize health and safety as much as possible and send workers home.


Prepare Employees for Frontline or Remote Work

Businesswoman at home having a video conference with her team

Now that you have determined which stays at the business establishment and who goes home, you have to prepare your team for some changes. Make sure to lessen or remove the risk of exposure of your front liners by following health and safety guidelines mandated by the government. Provide personal protective equipment and disinfecting products to your team. Sanitize your business establishment regularly and install protective shields such as transparent acrylic glasses.

For remote workers, ensure that they have all the technological equipment ready for remote work. Teach your team about the required applications and tools because not all people are technically-savvy in the latest hardware and software.


Frequently Check On Your Team

These uncertain times will be hard for everyone including you. Understand that everyone will need time to adjust to these changes. Frequently check on your team not just to supervise their work but also to learn how they are doing mentally. With remote work, some people will have to juggle responsibilities in the home. On the other hand, frontline work is also difficult because of health risks. Always monitor their health regularly.

Remind your team about their tasks and also the importance of their contributions. Be compassionate and always appreciate your team members on their effort in these tough times.


Stay Connected

Young businesswoman taking a mobile call

Communication is vital in these times because everyone is scattered in different places. Always have a communication channel that is consistently open during work hours. This way your team will be able to voice out their concern easily.

Schedule video meetings regularly so you can align your team members about important matters. Chat and messages are useful but being able to see your team’s faces and reactions can help you stay connected.

Confirm in written communication all the important things that should be said clearly. This is to avoid verbal miscommunication and misunderstandings.


Key Takeaway

Now you know how to manage a team during COVID-19. As a leader, you are the one that they look up to as the decision-maker. Know what roles can be done at home so you can remove the risk of exposure to your team. Prepare them and give them time to adjust to the changes. Your team is your responsibility so it is important to check up on them frequently. Always keep the communication line open to keep everyone connected. It may be hard to supervise and manage a team in these tough times but the key here is to trust your team.

5 Time Management Tips for Remote Workers

What are time management tips for remote workers?

  1. Find A Routine That Works for You
  2. Delegate Your Tasks for The Day
  3. Have A Designated Working Place
  4. Reduce Clutter and Distraction
  5. Know When to Stop Working


Working remotely definitely holds amazing benefits. It offers you flexibility, you get to be responsible for your time, and you can work wherever and sometimes, whenever you want.  However, this can only be true if you are great at time management. It is the very key to working remotely. Without it, many problems can fall under your lap — distraction, less productivity, no social life, and it can even lead to burn-out. Fortunately, we’ve got a few tricks up on your sleeves. Today, we’ll be sharing our tried-and-true time management tips for remote workers. Continue reading for more.


Find A Routine That Works for You

Truth be told, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy and routine to working remotely. Unlike your typical 9-5, with remote working, you are completely responsible for all your time. From how you structure it, spend it, and how you keep accountable with things. With all the flexibility you are given, it is up to you to make use of it wisely. This is the beauty of working remotely. But it can also feel challenging for first-timers and for those who are so used to a routine.

It is normal for things to feel contesting and overwhelming at first. But, get creative! Explore different routines each day and see which one you’re most comfortable in. You will ultimately find something that works for you.


Delegate Your Tasks for The Day

Before you begin to work, take a few minutes to create a to-do list of tasks. Write down and note all the things you want to achieve within your time of working.

Having a specific to-do list is a highly effective method in time management. Unlike jumping from task to task and wondering what project to take on for the day, you are given a structured and set schedule to work with. This will minimize procrastination and get you into a productive flow within the day.


Have A Designated Working Place

Your working area and environment play a huge role in how you manage your time, too. Since you are given all the freedom to work wherever you want, choose wisely.

One problem with working from home is that it is so easy for your career to bleed into your home life. Because of this, you may not have any boundaries and will work longer hours than you should. If you choose to work from home, create a physical boundary and ensure that you designate a space exclusively for work.

Or if you can, it is best to move to a co-working space to create a useful physical boundary. This creates a healthier work-life balance and will definitely help you manage your time better. Plus, there’s no better place to remote work than co-working spaces — they are built for exactly that!


Reduce Clutter and Distraction

Modern workplace with laptop computer, coffee cup and office supplies

Distractions — it is one of the top culprits of ineffective time management. It is so easy to get distracted when you are working remotely. If you want to establish healthy time management, eliminate all possible distractions. Whether it be your phone, social media, or even the clutter that lies within your desk.


Know When to Stop Working

Because of all this time and flexibility, it can also be so easy to overwork. This is why it is so important to establish a routine and set a schedule. Make sure you clock in and out when needed and never strain yourself.


Key Takeaway

Time management is the key to successfully working remotely. With these time management tips for remote workers, you will surely have a seamless transition into remote working life and maximize it to its full potential.

A Beginner’s Guide to Working Remotely

What are some good tips for remote working?

  1. Find A Perfect Location
  2. Over-Communicate
  3. Be Equipped with the Right Tools
  4. Find A Routine That Works For You


Remote working has been more prevalent during the past few years, more so now, that the COVID-19 pandemic has made it a great option for employees to stay safe and secure. If you’re new to remote working, it can impose a few challenges. It is completely different from the way you work on your 9-5. But, don’t worry, we’ve got some of the best practices for you. We’ve curated a complete guide on how to work remotely for beginners! This will make your transition as seamless and comfortable as possible. You’re bound to nail the remote working life before you know it.


Find A Perfect Location

Beautiful young smiling asian woman working laptop on desk in li

Now that you are not working in an office setting, you have all the freedom to choose where you’re going to work. Location matters more than you think. It is one of the essential keys to succeeding in working remotely. So, make sure to choose it wisely.

If you opt to work from home, there are some adjustments you need to make. It can be challenging to make yourself actively and productively work as there are so many distractions around and it is so easy to be comfortable. Make sure that you allocate a separate area for exclusively doing work. If you don’t have a separate room to use as an office, choose a corner or a space that is quiet, not distracting, and well-lit.

Or, it’s best to just choose a co-working space instead. By doing this, you are solidifying a place to be in “work mode” which can increase your productivity.



We all know that communication is essential in the professional environment. While in a typical office situation, your co-workers are just a tap away, on a remote work setup, you no longer have this luxury. Because of this, it is even more important to communicate to ensure that everyone is on the same page and there are no misunderstandings. If you have any questions, make sure to clarify and double-check, and never hesitate to ask for help when you need it.


Be Equipped with the Right Tools

Picture of a modern office desk with a laptop, a pen, a calculat

As a remote worker, your job will depend on your tools, specifically, technology. Ensure that you are equipped with everything you need. Make sure you have all the platforms and software downloaded for your job. Apart from this, make sure you have a reliable device and Wi-Fi connection. Other great investments to have while working remotely are noise-canceling headphones, a place to co-work in, a mouse, or maybe even a second screen. Trust us, these will all be integral to productivity and proficiency.


Find A Routine That Works for You

One of the top things employees love about working remotely is flexibility. You are given more time and freedom. However, for people who are so used to a routine, it can be fairly challenging. But it’s all about maximizing and using the time wisely.


Key Takeaway

Remote working has definitely been beneficial for everyone, especially during these times. However, if you’re new to the setup, it can take some time to get used to. But it doesn’t have to be as challenging. This guide on how to work remotely for beginners has all the best practices you need to nail your remote working life. Looking for a place to remote work? Click here to see how Workplays can help you!

How to Improve Your Well-Being at Work

How can you improve your well-being at work?

  1. Take Breaks
  2. Stay Hydrated
  3. Proper Nutrition


Pushing yourself to achieve your goals at work can definitely lead to incredibly rewarding results. But in the midst of all the hustle, it is so easy to overlook something extremely important: your well-being. And you know for a fact that this shouldn’t be the case. It’s imperative that your well-being is at the top of your priorities, most especially during these unprecedented circumstances. You will find yourself happier, healthier, and more productive if you do! Think you don’t have the time? There are a few simple ways to successfully improve your well-being at work. Today, we’ll share with you some of our favorite ways. Read on for more!


Take Breaks

Beautiful young woman using mobile phone.

It may sound practical to finish your tasks all in one sitting but gluing yourself to your desk the whole day will do you more harm than good. Doing this results in poor posture, more stress, and even less productivity. Make sure to take advantage of your lunch breaks. Eating at your desk while working doesn’t count. Make sure to step away from your workspace, and leverage your time for eating a proper meal. You will also feel more invigorated and refueled to take on afternoon challenges afterward.

And in cases where things get too overwhelming and stressful at work, ensure that you give yourself time to refresh. Something as simple as a 10-minute stretch or a quick step outside can make a world of a difference.


Stay Hydrated

When you’re in a cooped up in a comfortable, well-conditioned office, focusing on different tasks, water will often get put on the back burner. Make sure that you stay hydrated! Proper hydration will not only contribute to better health, but it also helps in reducing daytime fatigue. Whereas dehydration can bring on headaches, lack of focus, and can even reduce your productivity. To help you stay hydrated within a busy workday, keep a personal jug at your desk as a visual reminder.


Proper Nutrition

Proper Nutrition

While snacking on fast food and sugary snacks may be an easy and accessible option when you’re at work, it can take a huge toll on your health and well-being, especially if done often. The best way to go about this is by packing your own food. With this, you get to personalize what you eat and what goes into your body. Additionally, it will help you save a substantial amount of money long-term.


Key Takeaway

While there is no problem in devoting yourself to your work, you should also be equally invested in your well-being. Compromising this can cause negative physical and mental health issues down the line. Make sure that you are taking steps to improve your well-being at work to stay in the best shape. Your body will be thanking you for it in the long run!

5 Tips to be Productive While Working from Home

How do you keep productive while working from home?

  1. Give Yourself A Schedule
  2. Dress For Work
  3. Set Ground Rules At Home
  4. Learn To Take A Break
  5. Create An Ideal Workspace


Is it your first time working from home? Are you having difficulties managing tasks? Do you feel like you’re procrastinating? If you’ve answered yes to these questions, don’t feel bad about feeling that way. There’s a pandemic outside and it can be hard to cope. Knowing some tips to be productive while working from home will change the tides of your workflow for the better. There are tons of ways to do it and here are some tips you need to try out.


Give Yourself A Schedule

It may seem nice to work from home but if you don’t have a regular schedule, you won’t be able to cope with your workload properly. You’re now a remote worker and you need to maintain a balance within your day. During your schedule, don’t overwork yourself and try to keep track of how you’re doing by taking notes on your planner or using a personal time-tracking app to help you stick to your schedule. If you need to, try fixing your bedtime routine and morning routine to accommodate your new lifestyle.


Dress For Work

Dress For Work

Dressing for work, even if you’re at home, sends a signal to your brain that it’s time to get things done. There’s no need to wear anything formal, clothes that help you feel confident will help separate the line of working at home and staying at home. It helps you normalize your daily activities during the pandemic.


Set Ground Rules At Home

If you live alone, you may not need to do this. However, if you live with your family you need to set up some new rules to keep yourself productive. Gently remind your housemates of your working hours. Just because you’re home doesn’t always mean you’re ready to service the house or take care of chores at all times. Your productivity may suffer if you keep getting distracted by these chores.


Learn To Take A Break

Learn To Take A Break

Your company has a break policy and you need to take it whenever you can. If you’re self-employed, try giving yourself enough time to relax away from your workspace. These little breaks will help refresh your mind and keep you motivated throughout the day. Avoid shortchanging yourself with your breaks as well. Unless you have a lot of tasks on your plate, it’s much more relaxing to fully utilize your lunch or your 30-minute break.


Create An Ideal Workspace

The ideal workspace can impact the way you work at home. If you have a home office, be sure to take advantage of that. Separate recreational areas and rest areas from work. However, if you have limited space, even a small corner within your room fashioned for work will make a difference. Try your best to keep it clean after a full workday so you can start fresh.


Key Takeaway

Use these tips to be productive while working from home to make sure you’re productive at all times. If it’s your first time working from home, it may be a challenge at first. But once you get The hang of it, everything will flow easily and become second nature.

Physical Qualities of a Workplace That Improve Employee Performance

What are the physical qualities of a workplace that improve employee performance?

  1. Lighting
  2. Size of room
  3. Furnishing
  4. Ventilation
  5. Recreational spaces


If you don’t already know, there are actually several external factors that could affect the level of performance an employee exhibits at a workplace. While considering the internal factors, such as skills and emotional intelligence, for example, the employee’s environment can also largely affect the quality of the output they consistently provide.

It won’t be farfetched to imagine that companies have been, time and again, experimenting and constantly investing in practices on how to improve employee performance. They might be investing in training seminars to enrich the employees’ knowledge and skills, or they might even be offering them with free amenities at their disposal.

These practices may or may not achieve the desired outcome, but if you want to know more about how the physical qualities of a workplace affect employee performance, then continue reading.



Everyone possesses some level of understanding that working in poorly-lit environments can present some challenges. If you’re an artist and you’re painting something on a canvas, for example, it’s difficult to see the sketch and the other elements of your work without a good source of light.

In much the same way, an office workspace that does not have the appropriate lighting can prove to be a non-conducive working environment. Employees won’t be able to clearly identify what they’re reading if they’re assessing some kind of documentation. A dark room may also even cause some employees to feel drowsy after a prolonged time period.

Some of the practices you can adopt is keeping windows unblocked in order to help natural lighting to seep through. You should also choose appropriate office lighting, such as warm colors so that the eyesight of your employees won’t get strained. Not only will the practice improve their alertness, but it will also promote a higher level of work engagement among them.


Size of Room

Size of Room

Another physical factor that affects employee performance is the size of the room. As with any type of endeavor, working in tight spaces is uncomfortable. You won’t be able to have too much room for you to freely move and go about your work. Small rooms can also serve as a distraction to you. Instead of you focusing on the task at hand, you can get preoccupied about being confined to a very little space.

This is why another quality that distinguishes a good workplace from the rest, is how much it is able to appropriately maximize its space. Employees should be able to move about without feeling any physical constraints that might prevent them from properly engaging in their tasks.

Larger spaces with have been decluttered properly can help employees divert their attention towards more essential matters, hence, improving productivity.



The type of workplace furniture can also contribute greatly to the level of employee performance. For example, if the seats are uncomfortable, they won’t be able to devote long hours of their time to their task. Instead, they will be fixated on trying to find a good seating position.

The best type of chairs for a workplace would be those which provide comfort, and flexibility for the employees to be able to stretch their limbs. Aside from this, companies should also make it a habit to constantly monitor their furniture upkeep. Chairs may be prone to breakage because of the wear and tear, so companies should make it a point to replace the chairs as needed.




Employees might find extreme temperatures to be uncomfortable. For example, if an office has poor ventilation, its inhabitants might feel like they have to exert more effort in just trying to keep themselves cool. As with many of the factors presented above, they will become more fixated on addressing their physical discomfort instead of the deliverable which they need to accomplish. Extremely cold temperatures also achieve the same undesirable outcome.

Just some good ventilation practices which companies can adopt, include installing just the right number of air-conditioning units, as well as, adding several windows in the event of an electrical blackout. They should also ensure to maintain the temperature of the air-conditioning units at a level comfortable to the employees.


Recreational Spaces

Everyone is familiar with the old adage of “work hard, play hard”. One could think that this saying could largely be applied to the workplace. Employees are simply human and because of this fact, they are not bereft of desires and the pleasures in life.

The presence of recreational spaces in workplaces offers employees an avenue where they can relieve their stress. These spaces don’t have to be too large. Just some amenities which employees can make use of are leisurely reading materials or even some board games, to name a few.

After employees are able to take advantage of these recreational activities during their free time, they will feel more re-energized the moment they go back to their work.


Key Takeaway

If you own a company and are unsure of the practices on how to improve employee performance, then it would be in your best interest to consider the environmental factors. Variable internal factors are something that cannot be controlled, but you can still largely control the way by which the physical surroundings of your workplace can affect your employees.

The guide above has hopefully offered you with useful information and other practices you can adopt in your own company.

5 Tips to Avoid Distractions While Working

How do you avoid being distracted at work?

  1. Disconnect from the internet
  2. Stick to your schedule
  3. Clean up your workspace
  4. Surround yourself with productive people
  5. Let your co-workers know


Everyone has experienced getting distracted while working, whether it is because of other co-workers or a cluttered workspace. Even if you work from a virtual office in Manila, there are still many possible online distractions that can deter you from work. In order to help you be as productive as possible while at work, here are some tips to help you avoid distractions


Disconnect from the internet

One of the most common sources of distraction nowadays is the internet, there is no denying that it is very hard to ignore whenever we get a Facebook notification or message. If this is a major cause of distraction for you, disconnect from the internet or turn off your smartphone. However, if you work from a virtual office in Manila and need the internet or your cell phone for work purposes, there are still many ways to block online distractions. You can put your phone on silent, download app blockers for social media apps, turn off your notifications, and many more.


Stick to your schedule

Stick To Your Schedule

Another tip for avoiding distractions is to make a schedule and stick to it. Planning your day and listing the tasks you need to accomplish will help a lot in keeping you away from distractions. Moreover, make sure to allot time for a break or two during the day. By having a set time for breaks, you will feel less tempted to get distracted and take too many breaks throughout the day. Additionally, spending a few minutes to rest will help re-energize and motivate you for your next tasks.


Clean up your workspace

Even if you do not mind the mess in your workspace, this could unknowingly be a cause for distraction for you. Cleaning and organizing your workspace will lessen the number of visual distractions and help you have a clearer mind while working. Another tip is to have a tray or portion of your desk to keep your pile of tasks and to only have one project in front of you at a time. This will keep you from getting distracted and jumping between unfinished tasks.


Surround yourself with productive people

Surround Yourself With Productive People

If you are the type to be easily distracted while working alone, try working with a group of productive friends or co-workers. Surrounding yourself with productive people will help motivate you to be just as productive. In addition to inspiring you to focus on your work, being around productive co-workers will also lessen your chances of being interrupted while working.


Let your co-workers know

On the other hand, it is possible that being around others causes more harm than good for you. If you have a hard time focusing when working with other people, find a quiet spot or room in the office to work in. If this is not an option, you can always politely ask your co-workers to chat elsewhere or let them know that you need to be left alone to concentrate on a difficult task.


Key Takeaway

We all struggle against our own personal distractions while at work, whether it’s our phones or co-workers. The key to being productive at work is to know what distracts you and to actively make a plan to avoid these distractions.

The Benefits of Natural Light in Workspaces

What are the benefits of natural light in workspaces?

  1. Better performance
  2. Lower spending on electricity
  3. Better sleep


If there were no light bulbs at your company, you and your coworkers would probably not have any office tasks finished. Yet, too much artificial illumination in offices, such as co-working spaces in the Philippines, is shown to have some negative side-effects. Not only does it affect your finances, but it also is known to make your employees more tired, less focused, and less capable of sleeping at night.

The best solution to all these problems is by letting more natural light from the sun into your workspaces. By doing so, you are also receiving these listed benefits in return:


Better performance

Better performance

Artificial light from desktops makes employees more tired by giving them eye strain due to its tendency to flicker at times. Additionally, it can bring cataracts pain by forcing them to adjust in order to look at one spot for illumination. When your eyes experience this form of tension for a long period of time, your brain responses to it by becoming more fatigued as well. All of these factors together can make you too drowsy to perform well.

In contrast, natural brightness from the sun makes your eyeballs feel more awake at a co-working space in the Philippines by making them feel more relaxed and regulating their growth.


Lower spending on electricity

Offices spend so much of their electricity on lighting alone. In fact, 35% of your office’s electric bill per month is spent on it according to the Department of Energy.  Your company can easily reduce their expenses by turning off some of the electric bulbs and opening up the drapes at your rented events space in BF Paranaque for natural illumination.


Better sleep

Better sleep

Our ability to wake up and sleep on time is dependent on your body’s circadian rhythm. One of its most important functions is releasing enough melatonin for people to rest peacefully at night. The circadian rhythm can accomplish this task as long as you get enough illumination during the day in the form of sunlight.

Sadly, offices don’t let employees see enough of the sun. Instead, you are more prone to getting too much artificial light from your office laptops and phone. The result of this reality is lower melatonin production, which makes it harder for you to close your eyes at night and increases your risk for sleep disorders.

If you want to have a better night’s rest, all you need to do is work in a room with a lot of sunlight. In fact, researchers from the University of Illinois and Northwestern University discovered that people who worked with windows in the office slept an average of 46 minutes more than those who didn’t.

By having a desk at least 20 feet away from a window at your events space in BF Paranaque, you may finally sleep on time and wake with more energy for work.


Key Takeaway

Popular office design has prevented employees from getting enough sun and forcing companies to depend too much on artificial illumination. This situation has brought on a series of negative repercussions. By letting in more natural light from UV rays, you are not only solving these repercussions but also doing yourself and others a favor.