A Beginner’s Guide to Working Remotely

What are some good tips for remote working?

  1. Find A Perfect Location
  2. Over-Communicate
  3. Be Equipped with the Right Tools
  4. Find A Routine That Works For You


Remote working has been more prevalent during the past few years, more so now, that the COVID-19 pandemic has made it a great option for employees to stay safe and secure. If you’re new to remote working, it can impose a few challenges. It is completely different from the way you work on your 9-5. But, don’t worry, we’ve got some of the best practices for you. We’ve curated a complete guide on how to work remotely for beginners! This will make your transition as seamless and comfortable as possible. You’re bound to nail the remote working life before you know it.


Find A Perfect Location

Beautiful young smiling asian woman working laptop on desk in li

Now that you are not working in an office setting, you have all the freedom to choose where you’re going to work. Location matters more than you think. It is one of the essential keys to succeeding in working remotely. So, make sure to choose it wisely.

If you opt to work from home, there are some adjustments you need to make. It can be challenging to make yourself actively and productively work as there are so many distractions around and it is so easy to be comfortable. Make sure that you allocate a separate area for exclusively doing work. If you don’t have a separate room to use as an office, choose a corner or a space that is quiet, not distracting, and well-lit.

Or, it’s best to just choose a co-working space instead. By doing this, you are solidifying a place to be in “work mode” which can increase your productivity.



We all know that communication is essential in the professional environment. While in a typical office situation, your co-workers are just a tap away, on a remote work setup, you no longer have this luxury. Because of this, it is even more important to communicate to ensure that everyone is on the same page and there are no misunderstandings. If you have any questions, make sure to clarify and double-check, and never hesitate to ask for help when you need it.


Be Equipped with the Right Tools

Picture of a modern office desk with a laptop, a pen, a calculat

As a remote worker, your job will depend on your tools, specifically, technology. Ensure that you are equipped with everything you need. Make sure you have all the platforms and software downloaded for your job. Apart from this, make sure you have a reliable device and Wi-Fi connection. Other great investments to have while working remotely are noise-canceling headphones, a place to co-work in, a mouse, or maybe even a second screen. Trust us, these will all be integral to productivity and proficiency.


Find A Routine That Works for You

One of the top things employees love about working remotely is flexibility. You are given more time and freedom. However, for people who are so used to a routine, it can be fairly challenging. But it’s all about maximizing and using the time wisely.


Key Takeaway

Remote working has definitely been beneficial for everyone, especially during these times. However, if you’re new to the setup, it can take some time to get used to. But it doesn’t have to be as challenging. This guide on how to work remotely for beginners has all the best practices you need to nail your remote working life. Looking for a place to remote work? Click here to see how Workplays can help you!

How to Stay Mentally Healthy at Work

How can you stay mentally healthy at work?

  1. Don’t Skip on Lunch Breaks
  2. Set Boundaries
  3. Play Music
  4. Socialize
  5. Keep a Clean and Organized Workspace
  6. Ask for Help When Needed


More working professionals are embracing “hustle culture” and becoming further immersed in their jobs over the years. True enough, in some instances having the drive to work your hardest, is a good thing. However, this has become the standard for many to gauge mental health, which shouldn’t be the case at all. Ignoring this can lead to burnout and even more serious mental health issues. Don’t wait until this happens before you take action. You should always know how to stay mentally healthy at work, more so during these times. The impacts of the pandemic can lead to even more stress and strain. Here are some seven simple strategies to keep yourself mentally healthy at work:


Don’t Skip Lunch on Breaks

Don’t Skip Lunch on Breaks

With all the tasks you have to do within the day, it can be so easy to overlook your lunch break, especially if you are working from home. Lunch breaks are implemented for a reason and are far more important than you realize. It allows your mind to recharge, rest, and refocus. Lunch breaks or eating on your table doesn’t count. Make sure that you devote your lunch breaks to yourself and eating a proper meal.


Set Boundaries

Most make the mistake of not setting any boundaries between work and their personal life. But this is one of the biggest contributors to workplace burnout. Setting boundaries and practicing a good work-life balance is extremely important for your health and well-being.

Devote working hours exclusively for work. Clock in and clock out on time, and do not work afterward.


Play Music

Caucasian man taking a break from work by listening to music

If your job allows it, consider playing music that you enjoy while working. You will feel better, calmer, and it may relieve stress and pressure.



Feeling isolated at home? Or maybe you’ve been too busy keeping up with your tasks in the office. If so, try socializing more with your colleagues during breaks. Interacting with others will boost your mood and feelings of well-being. Sharing a good laugh or a great conversation could go a long way for your mood.


Keep a Clean and Organized Workspace

Beautiful young woman using her laptop at home.

Disorganization and clutter have negative effects on the brain. Plus, no one wants to work in an unhygienic and messy workplace. Make sure to throw away your trash immediately and don’t let clutter accumulate on your desk. A clean and organized workspace will improve focus and boost working memory


As for Help When Needed

Handling tasks independently is the key to achieving your work goals. However, if there’s too much on your plate, and you struggle to understand a certain task, asking for help is never a bad thing. Ask for help when it is needed and don’t let stress pile up.


Key Takeaway

Knowing how to stay mentally healthy at work will definitely keep you happier and healthier. Never make the mistake of overlooking your mental well-being in the midst of working hard to achieve your work goals. Looking for a healthy environment to start working in? Click here to read more about Workplays!

Office Meal Ideas to Increase Your Immunity

What are some of the office meal ideas that can increase your immunity?

  1. Avocado Toast
  2. Lemon Chicken
  3. Garlic Broccoli Stir Fry
  4. Yogurt Oatmeal


Let’s admit it. Sticking to an office meal plan is tricky under normal conditions. With the quarantine regulations forcing companies to adopt remote work, this becomes even more challenging.

You might have experienced being on a conference call and sprinting to the kitchen just to eat something to fill your empty stomach. Or maybe you munch on unhealthy chips all day while working. These scenarios prove that maintaining a healthy diet is easier said than done when you’re working from home.

However, this is not the time to overlook proper nutrient intake. Now more than ever is when you’ll need to boost your immune system. With that, we’ve rounded up some office meal ideas to increase your immunity!


Avocado Toast

Before you start your day, it will take more than a cup of coffee to ensure that your body receives the nutrients it needs. Just as the saying goes, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”.

Try making an easy to make Avocado Toast. Avocados are not only flavorful but they contain vitamins A, C, and E which have immune-boosting properties as well. Consuming this breakfast meal will help your body fight off bacterial attacks.



  • 1 avocado, peeled and seeded
  • ½ teaspoon lemon juice
  • Pinch of salt and pepper
  • ⅛ teaspoon pepper
  • ½ teaspoon olive oil
  • 2 slices of bread of choice


  • In a bowl, put in the avocado, lemon juice, salt, and pepper.
  • Mash with the back of a fork.
  • Toast the slices of bread until crispy.
  • Spread the mashed mixture on each slice.
  • Drizzle with olive oil. You can sprinkle over your desired toppings as well.


Lemon Chicken

Grilled chicken breast pieces and whole and lemon slice with salad on dark stone background . Paleo diet.

For lunchtime, it would be best to eat a heavier meal that’s rich in protein. Eating Lemon Chicken will not only be filling, but it will energize you for the rest of the office hours as well!

Chickens are high in vitamin B-6 which plays a vital role in forming healthy red blood cells. On the other hand, lemon is an excellent source of vitamin C. The potent antioxidant helps your body ward off infections and diseases.



  • 3 chicken breast fillets
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • ⅓ cup flour
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 1 ½ teaspoon garlic, minced
  • ½ cup chicken broth
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice


  1. Season the chicken with salt and pepper.
  2. In a shallow dish, sprinkle both sides of the chicken with flour.
  3. Over medium-high heat, add oil and butter.
  4. Sear both sides of the chicken until golden brown.
  5. In a separate pan, sauté the garlic.
  6. Pour in the chicken broth and lemon juice.
  7. Let the mixture simmer and reduce the heat.
  8. Add the butter.
  9. Add in the cooked chicken to the skillet.
  10. Serve warm.


Garlic Broccoli Stir Fry

Garlic contains a key compound called allicin. Allicin boosts the disease-fighting response of the body’s white cells. According to a study, garlic can even contribute to the prevention of major illnesses such as gastric ulcers and heart problems.

On the other hand, broccoli is a good source of vitamins and contains powerful phytochemicals that neutralize free radicals.

Consuming a Garlic Broccoli Stir Fry meal is sure to boost your immune system. So get cooking and whip up this hearty meal with only eight ingredients!



  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 4 large garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 ½ cup broccoli
  • ¼ cup chicken broth
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons water


  • Boil the broccoli.
  • Drain the water.
  • In a pan, sauté the garlic until golden brown.
  • Add in the broccoli.
  • Add in the chicken broth.
  • Season with salt and pepper.
  • Once the broccoli is cooked, add in the cornstarch and water to thicken the sauce.
  • Serve with rice and enjoy!


Yogurt Oatmeal

Yogurt Oatmeal

Even if you had a good breakfast or lunch you would feel quite hungry after a few hours. This just shows that your body is burning the fuel while you’re working. Instead of grabbing unhealthy sugary foods or salty potato chips, munch on a healthy snack like Yogurt Oatmeal.

Yogurt is a good source of probiotics that can stimulate the immune system and reduce the likeliness of catching diseases. It is also rich in vitamin A, Zinc, and Vitamin D.

Before you recreate this meal, remember to look for yogurts that have live and active cultures. Avoid getting the ones that are loaded with sugar as well. Plain yogurt can be sweetened with healthy fruits instead.



  • ½ cup oats
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 ¼ cup milk
  • ¼ cup yogurt
  • Fruit toppings (optional)


  • In a pot, add oats and salt.
  • Combine the milk and stir.
  • Cook over medium-high heat.
  • Remove it from the heat.
  • Stir in the yogurt.
  • Transfer the oatmeal to a bowl and top with your choice of fruit toppings.
  • Serve!


Key Takeaway

Stick to a healthy office meal plan. While it may be tempting to neglect nutritious food options and just grab anything you can see in the kitchen, this won’t do any good for your overall health. Give your body a fighting chance to combat viruses today!

Achieving Work-life Balance Easily

What are some good tips to achieve work-life balance?

  1. Manage Your Time at Work
  2. Set Boundaries
  3. Enjoy Your Weekends and Days Off
  4. Make Time for Yourself and Your Loved Ones
  5. Don’t Overlook Your Health


Nowadays, it is getting more and more challenging to not get eaten up by work. While it is completely fine to value career and your job, putting other parts of your life on the back burner, isn’t. Creating a healthy work-life balance is critical, especially during these times when it can be a struggle to establish boundaries from working at home. Your physical health, mental health, and even your productivity will depend on it. Here are some tried-and-true work-life balance tips you can try out:


Manage Your Time at Work

Time management is an essential part of a healthy work-life balance. A good way to do this is by planning your day out. List down all the important tasks you need to tackle within the day and stick to it. Dedicate your time to work on working hours and avoid time-wasters such as scrolling through social media or anything that details your attention and productivity. This will all result in more free time at the end of the day.


Set Boundaries

beautiful young asian woman working remotely from home and smili

It can be so easy to merge your working life into your personal life, especially if you are working from home. However, without implementing serious boundaries, you are bound to feel more burned out, tired, and unproductive. If you are working from home or remotely, make sure to establish a dedicated space just for work. This can be as simple as a small desk or using that spare room as a home office. You can also consider working in a co-working space for a complete visual boundary.

Additionally, when you are out of work, avoid thinking about your tasks or doing anything work-related.


Enjoy Your Weekends and Days Off

Having no work on weekends are implemented for a reason. Make sure to take your days off seriously. Don’t answer calls, emails, or even think about anything work-related. Completely give yourself and your body time to, recharge, and relax.


Make Time for Yourself and Your Loved Ones


A huge chunk of your time every day is dedicated to working. So, once you’ve finished your tasks for the day or on your days off, make time for yourself and the people that you love.


Don’t Overlook Your Health

A proper work-life balance requires you to prioritize your health as well. It is so easy to overlook your well-being while you’re working for hours every day. Make sure that you stay hydrated, consume healthier food, and get an ample amount of sleep and rest each night.


Key Takeaway

Work-life balance isn’t just a buzzword. It is a critical part of our lives that we should never overlook. A healthy work-life balance will lead to better physical and mental health, increased productivity, and happier life. Try out these effortless work-life balance tips to make things easier for you!

Applications to Use for Virtual Meetings

What are the virtual meeting applications you can use?

  1. Zoom
  2. Google Meet
  3. Slack
  4. GoToMeeting
  5. FaceTime


With the pandemic situation putting a limit on face-to-face contact, we rely on video calls to keep in touch with family, friends, and coworkers. Not surprisingly, there has been a huge demand surge for virtual meeting applications.

No matter what city around the world, citizens are living under some kind of quarantine mandate. This means organizations have to adjust their operations plans to embrace the work-from-home culture. It’s business as usual. All companies will need to find a way to communicate with their employees effectively.

Numerous virtual meeting applications are available on the market today. Aside from being able to host meetings, users can enjoy numerous perks offered as well. But as remote work is the new standard for companies, only the best communication tools should be used.

As this can be a challenge, we’ve rounded up the best applications to use for virtual meetings. Any of these five choices will definitely instill productivity in your team. Read on!



With the rising popularity of the Zoom app, it may come as a surprise that it has been founded since 2011. Once this application started gaining traction, users immediately appreciated the flawless HD video quality.

Zoom is a reliable cloud-based video conferencing service. Whether it’s audio-only calls or video calls – you can conduct live chats at any given moment. The best perks of it? It has a screen sharing feature that’s easy to use, scheduling display, and call recording.

The application’s “Zoom Rooms” is a major advantage for companies as well. This allows participants to use their laptops, tablets, phones, and more when attending meetings.

To set up a virtual meeting, all you have to do is sign in, create a new call, and then invite others by sending a link. It doesn’t matter if participants have a Zoom account or not. All they have to do is download the app.

Zoom allows users to have a virtual meeting with up to 100 participants. However, the free meeting option has a time limit of 40 minutes. If you want to upgrade your plan, you can do so for a reasonable price.


Google Meet

Videocalling businessman

In an effort to upgrade their current video communication service, Google has introduced Google Meet. It is a popular tool that can hold voice and video conferences as well. However, the Google Meet difference offers more advantages for users of Google Suite. This means participants can join virtual meetings directly from Gmail. They claim to be the best application that is built on robust security systems. Google states that they secure all your information through encrypted video meetings.



Before anything else, Slack is a platform that offers well-organized chat rooms first. Instead of a single email inbox filled with jumbled content, Slack offers users dedicated channels that divide conversations depending on the topic chosen. You can send direct messages as well.

Aside from streamlining work, social media platforms and file-sharing programs are integrated too. Known as one of the best software for companies, Slack stepped up their game by adding video conferencing for desktop devices.

Say goodbye to complicated login procedures. With one click in the conversations, you can host a virtual meeting. Go ahead and send fun GIFs and emoticons to your team. Slack’s only downside is that it does not allow screen sharing.



Freelance business women casual wear using tablet working call v

Contending all the applications stated is GoToMeeting. One of its key benefits includes being browser-based. Users do not need to install any software to set up a virtual meeting. A code sent will do the trick.

Users can integrate 3rd party tools such as Google Calendar and Chrome plugins. Moreover, GoToMeeting functions in compliance with HIPAA security which is perfect for companies who want to protect all their sensitive information. Here, everyone’s privacy is protected with strong passwords and end-to-end encryption.

The whiteboard feature allows other participants to highlight the presenter’s screen while the virtual meeting is ongoing. You can also send out a saved recording for absent team members.

More attractive features include 24/7 tech support and unlimited meeting sessions.



You know too well that urgent meetings can arise. If your team has Apple products, FaceTime is the perfect application for this. Have a quick one-on-one call with a team member.

You can never go wrong with this one because it’s free and pretty straightforward. Simply call the person’s number and communicate from anywhere you may be.


Key Takeaway

During these times, remote teams cannot function without the help of virtual meeting applications. It’s time to use the right one for yours.

Do you have a work-from-home team and need a way to communicate with ease? Try out Zoom, Google Meet, Slack, GoToMeeting, and FaceTime. Foster productivity, improve collaboration, and help your company better with these five applications today.

Work Bag Essentials You Need Right Now

What are the work bag essentials that you need right now?

  1. Hygiene Items
  2. First Aid Kit
  3. Extra Face Masks
  4. Your Own Utensils
  5. Water Jug


Times have changed and so have our work bag essentials. Months ago, our everyday work bags would mostly consist of electronics, wallets, and personal toiletries. But today, with the uncertainty of COVID-19 still looming over the country, there are some specific items that you should be carrying along with you at all times.

We have a handy checklist ready for you! With these must-haves equipped in your office bag, you are ensured extra health, protection, and preparedness. Make your work life a breeze even during these times. Never leave home without these 5 necessities:


Hygiene Items

It is of utmost importance to have hygiene items in your bag. If possible, bring along your own personal hand soap to avoid sharing soap in public bathrooms.

Make sure that you always have a hand sanitizer, alcohol, or wet wipes to use when there is no access to soap and water around. You can even use these to clean the surfaces near you. Keep travel-sized versions of these in a toiletry pouch to fit in your bag.


First Aid Kit

First Aid Kit

Your work bag should always have items to treat minor injuries. These will avoid trips to the clinic and the pharmacy when you’re out. Great and practical first aid essentials to have in your bag are Band-Aids in a variety of different sides, ointments, over-the-counter medicines, and sterile gloves. If you have an underlying health concern, you should also make sure that you are equipped with your own appropriate medicine just in case.


Extra Face Masks

Whether it be a washable face mask or a disposable one, always wear a face mask to protect yourself and those around you. Wearing one in public is a must these days. You should always have extras of it in your bag at all times. Some are even opting for face shields lately. You can look into it if you want protection from fogging, dust, and splashes.


Your Own Utensils

Eco friendly disposable tableware from palm leaf or betel nut ,

One of the fastest ways germs can spread from person-to-person is by mouth. This is why during these times, it’s best to bring your own personal utensils. Using these while eating out for lunch breaks or for eating at the office will be safer and more hygienic. It would also be a good idea to invest in your own reusable straw for your safety and ease of use.


Water Jug

Avoid drinking from other cups and bring your own water jug to work. This is will not only be hygienic and safe, but it will also do wonders for your health. Having a water jug at your desk will be a visual reminder for you to stay hydrated. Being well-hydrated at work will additionally improve productivity, reduce morning fatigue, and can boost your metabolism.


Key Takeaway

The pandemic has unquestionably changed our day-to-day, even our work bag essentials. There are certain items that you should never leave home without. Make sure you equip your everyday work bag with these items to ensure a fuss and worry-free workday.

How to Improve Your Well-Being at Work

How can you improve your well-being at work?

  1. Take Breaks
  2. Stay Hydrated
  3. Proper Nutrition


Pushing yourself to achieve your goals at work can definitely lead to incredibly rewarding results. But in the midst of all the hustle, it is so easy to overlook something extremely important: your well-being. And you know for a fact that this shouldn’t be the case. It’s imperative that your well-being is at the top of your priorities, most especially during these unprecedented circumstances. You will find yourself happier, healthier, and more productive if you do! Think you don’t have the time? There are a few simple ways to successfully improve your well-being at work. Today, we’ll share with you some of our favorite ways. Read on for more!


Take Breaks

Beautiful young woman using mobile phone.

It may sound practical to finish your tasks all in one sitting but gluing yourself to your desk the whole day will do you more harm than good. Doing this results in poor posture, more stress, and even less productivity. Make sure to take advantage of your lunch breaks. Eating at your desk while working doesn’t count. Make sure to step away from your workspace, and leverage your time for eating a proper meal. You will also feel more invigorated and refueled to take on afternoon challenges afterward.

And in cases where things get too overwhelming and stressful at work, ensure that you give yourself time to refresh. Something as simple as a 10-minute stretch or a quick step outside can make a world of a difference.


Stay Hydrated

When you’re in a cooped up in a comfortable, well-conditioned office, focusing on different tasks, water will often get put on the back burner. Make sure that you stay hydrated! Proper hydration will not only contribute to better health, but it also helps in reducing daytime fatigue. Whereas dehydration can bring on headaches, lack of focus, and can even reduce your productivity. To help you stay hydrated within a busy workday, keep a personal jug at your desk as a visual reminder.


Proper Nutrition

Proper Nutrition

While snacking on fast food and sugary snacks may be an easy and accessible option when you’re at work, it can take a huge toll on your health and well-being, especially if done often. The best way to go about this is by packing your own food. With this, you get to personalize what you eat and what goes into your body. Additionally, it will help you save a substantial amount of money long-term.


Key Takeaway

While there is no problem in devoting yourself to your work, you should also be equally invested in your well-being. Compromising this can cause negative physical and mental health issues down the line. Make sure that you are taking steps to improve your well-being at work to stay in the best shape. Your body will be thanking you for it in the long run!

Fun Event Ideas for Co-Working Spaces

What are some fun event ideas for co-working spaces?

  1. Demo sessions
  2. Weekly breakfast
  3. Leadership workshops
  4. Panel discussions
  5. Hackathon


Co-working spaces have been a ground-breaking avenue for different professionals to collaborate with one another. The more relaxed environment enables them to more productively work on their tasks, without the pressures of a typical and hierarchical office structure.

Though despite the positive qualities presented by co-working spaces, they also cultivate some level of monotony to foster within the community. As such, community managers engage their members in events that serve as breaks from the typical office monotony.

Make your co-working sessions more interactive and fun for your members through these event ideas for your co-working space.


Demo sessions

If you’re a coworking space community manager, you’re always looking for fun and innovative ways of engaging your community. One way by which you can achieve this is by hosting demo sessions.

Simply put, demo sessions are a great way for startups and developers to showcase what they’ve been rigorously working on. For example, people working in the HR industry can showcase a centralized employee management system which would make it easier for them to track all of a company’s employees’ absences, leaves, and whatnot.

Demo sessions are a great way to open up avenues for collaboration among the co-working space members. They may get a chance to voice out their feedback on a particular program, or system that was introduced by a member.


Weekly breakfast

Business Team Celebration Christmas Party Concept at office.

Though simple in nature, weekly breakfasts are a great opportunity for co-working space members to interact with one another. Each individual in the community might not always get a chance to get to know their peers and colleagues.

Weekly breakfasts do not simply involve food and other refreshments. This could also give the members a chance to interact with one another and get to know each member on a more personal level. Even more so, the members may even get a chance to form connections with professionals with similar interests – they may even meet their future business partners through this practice.

The relaxed environment offered by a breakfast routine allows the members to interact with one another more freely and more organically.


Leadership workshop

It cannot be emphasized enough that leadership is an important aspect of any endeavor. Leadership is the essential quality needed in order for things to get done in the most efficient way possible.

Another great way of shaking up your co-working space’s routine is through hosting monthly leadership sessions. These workshops are useful for professionals who are aspiring to become better managers for their respective teams. Workshops offer invaluable knowledge that the co-working space members won’t be able to get anywhere else.

As a community manager, taking initiative on value-adding activities not only enhances community engagement and builds rapport but also develops future professionals in management positions.


Panel discussions

People Meeting Seminar Office Concept

As mentioned before, a community member inside a co-working space is comprised of different individuals coming from vastly different professional backgrounds. They might not necessarily get a chance to interact with the other members of the community simply because of the busy day-to-day work life that they’re faced with.

Organizing panel discussions is a great way for the members of your community to gain knowledge from other different fields. These structured sessions not only offer welcome breaks from work but can also create potential networking partners. As such, each panel should have a point person which will facilitate the discussion of various topics.



Some of the most essential members of a company or an organization are web developers and web designers. For example, a company focusing on SEO as one of its primary services needs the expertise of these professionals in order to develop intuitive and aesthetically-pleasing websites for their clients.

Hackathons are sessions where web developers, creative designers, project managers, and anyone involved in the IT, or computer science industry collaborate with one another in sprint-like fashion. The purpose of these sessions is to develop, design, or build a software project.

Hackathons allow these professionals to display their human ingenuity and can enable them to potentially develop products that can be useful for the organizations they work for or manage.


Key Takeaway

Breaks in the typical office monotony are essential for professionals to survive and re-energize themselves for the next set of tasks they have to accomplish. If you’re a coworking space community manager, then you would understand just how important it is for your community members to build a level of engagement among themselves.

Fun event ideas for your co-working space not only foster the creativity of each of your members, but they also serve as avenues for your members to develop close and personal relationships with one another. Hopefully, you will be able to adopt several of these ideas and create a close and tightly-knit community.

Physical Qualities of a Workplace That Improve Employee Performance

What are the physical qualities of a workplace that improve employee performance?

  1. Lighting
  2. Size of room
  3. Furnishing
  4. Ventilation
  5. Recreational spaces


If you don’t already know, there are actually several external factors that could affect the level of performance an employee exhibits at a workplace. While considering the internal factors, such as skills and emotional intelligence, for example, the employee’s environment can also largely affect the quality of the output they consistently provide.

It won’t be farfetched to imagine that companies have been, time and again, experimenting and constantly investing in practices on how to improve employee performance. They might be investing in training seminars to enrich the employees’ knowledge and skills, or they might even be offering them with free amenities at their disposal.

These practices may or may not achieve the desired outcome, but if you want to know more about how the physical qualities of a workplace affect employee performance, then continue reading.



Everyone possesses some level of understanding that working in poorly-lit environments can present some challenges. If you’re an artist and you’re painting something on a canvas, for example, it’s difficult to see the sketch and the other elements of your work without a good source of light.

In much the same way, an office workspace that does not have the appropriate lighting can prove to be a non-conducive working environment. Employees won’t be able to clearly identify what they’re reading if they’re assessing some kind of documentation. A dark room may also even cause some employees to feel drowsy after a prolonged time period.

Some of the practices you can adopt is keeping windows unblocked in order to help natural lighting to seep through. You should also choose appropriate office lighting, such as warm colors so that the eyesight of your employees won’t get strained. Not only will the practice improve their alertness, but it will also promote a higher level of work engagement among them.


Size of Room

Size of Room

Another physical factor that affects employee performance is the size of the room. As with any type of endeavor, working in tight spaces is uncomfortable. You won’t be able to have too much room for you to freely move and go about your work. Small rooms can also serve as a distraction to you. Instead of you focusing on the task at hand, you can get preoccupied about being confined to a very little space.

This is why another quality that distinguishes a good workplace from the rest, is how much it is able to appropriately maximize its space. Employees should be able to move about without feeling any physical constraints that might prevent them from properly engaging in their tasks.

Larger spaces with have been decluttered properly can help employees divert their attention towards more essential matters, hence, improving productivity.



The type of workplace furniture can also contribute greatly to the level of employee performance. For example, if the seats are uncomfortable, they won’t be able to devote long hours of their time to their task. Instead, they will be fixated on trying to find a good seating position.

The best type of chairs for a workplace would be those which provide comfort, and flexibility for the employees to be able to stretch their limbs. Aside from this, companies should also make it a habit to constantly monitor their furniture upkeep. Chairs may be prone to breakage because of the wear and tear, so companies should make it a point to replace the chairs as needed.




Employees might find extreme temperatures to be uncomfortable. For example, if an office has poor ventilation, its inhabitants might feel like they have to exert more effort in just trying to keep themselves cool. As with many of the factors presented above, they will become more fixated on addressing their physical discomfort instead of the deliverable which they need to accomplish. Extremely cold temperatures also achieve the same undesirable outcome.

Just some good ventilation practices which companies can adopt, include installing just the right number of air-conditioning units, as well as, adding several windows in the event of an electrical blackout. They should also ensure to maintain the temperature of the air-conditioning units at a level comfortable to the employees.


Recreational Spaces

Everyone is familiar with the old adage of “work hard, play hard”. One could think that this saying could largely be applied to the workplace. Employees are simply human and because of this fact, they are not bereft of desires and the pleasures in life.

The presence of recreational spaces in workplaces offers employees an avenue where they can relieve their stress. These spaces don’t have to be too large. Just some amenities which employees can make use of are leisurely reading materials or even some board games, to name a few.

After employees are able to take advantage of these recreational activities during their free time, they will feel more re-energized the moment they go back to their work.


Key Takeaway

If you own a company and are unsure of the practices on how to improve employee performance, then it would be in your best interest to consider the environmental factors. Variable internal factors are something that cannot be controlled, but you can still largely control the way by which the physical surroundings of your workplace can affect your employees.

The guide above has hopefully offered you with useful information and other practices you can adopt in your own company.

Co-Working for Introverts and Extroverts

What are the benefits of co-working spaces for introverts and extroverts?

  1. No pressure to socialize
  2. Flexible
  3. Chance to discover new clients
  4. Friendly community managers


The modern era has led to many types of technological advancements. Not only that, but it has also made changes in the way people socialize with one another. Different modes of interactions were brought about in many aspects of society, particularly in the workplace. Non-traditional modes of employment, or working together, have been born, making people ponder about the benefits of co-working spaces.

Through co-working spaces, people from many walks of life and interests have been able to interact with one another, sharing their ideas and opinions. Deviating away from the typical office hierarchy has allowed different kinds of people, like introverts and extroverts to interact in a much more relaxed setting, without the added pressure to socialize.

Though at first there seems to be a dichotomy between the two, introverts and extroverts can actually simultaneously thrive in co-working spaces. Continue reading to find out more about how co-working spaces benefit both introverts and extroverts.


No pressure to socialize

No pressure to socialize

One of the most common misconceptions people have about introverts is that they’re shy, soft-spoken, and have difficulty open up. While some introverts may display such behavior, these adjectives are actually not characteristic of them. The very thing which separates introverts from extroverts is the way they both expend their social energy.

In simple terms, introverts have something called a ‘social battery’ which typically drains over time, the longer they spend socializing or talking to other people. When this battery drains, they need to spend a few moments in isolation to recharge once more. Extroverts’ social batteries, on the other hand, never seem to run out.

When these two types of people converge in co-working spaces, no such rift will be formed. The very fact that the environment is still a working environment, gives extroverts the idea that people around them have to work on their own tasks, in their own time. Everyone is busily accomplishing a deliverable. On the other hand, co-working spaces allow introverts to work at their own pace, without the need to talk to everyone all the time.



Though a co-working space is still a community, it offers several avenues that make it flexible for both introverts and extroverts.

As mentioned before, introverts aren’t necessarily people who shy away from the interaction. It’s only that their social battery needs to be filled up again before they can begin mingling. These types of people can enjoy working in a quiet, isolated area in a co-working space where they can be totally engrossed in their task.

Meanwhile, since extroverts are natural social butterflies, they can head to the open areas in a particular co-working space where they can have discussions with like-minded individuals. Once introverts feel like they’re ready to socialize, they can move away from their corners and join the rest of the group.


Chance to discover new clients

Close-up view of young businesswoman working on his plan writing

One of the best things about co-working spaces is its ability to bring people of different backgrounds, and cultures, together. As such, both introverts and extroverts can view co-working spaces as opportunities for them to build connections with individuals who can provide advantages in their professional careers.

Every individual, without any consideration about their personality types, has valuable skills and knowledge they can potentially offer other people. For example, an introverted content writer who has plans of building their own SEO company may be able to find an extroverted web designer capable of building their webpage.

In much the same way, an outgoing accounts manager needs the exemplary writing skills of an introvert who can be seen silently and dutifully working in their own space.


Friendly community managers

Co-working spaces, in order to function in the most organized way possible, need the leadership of a community manager. The job of the community manager is not only to make sure that every amenity in the space is in working order but also to facilitate different connection-building activities for the people utilizing the space.

Community managers are aware of the diverse pool of people in the co-working space, and as such, they recognize that each have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Introverts who feel socially-drained, but need to build connections through networking, may ask the help of the space’s community manager to introduce them to other people. On the other hand, extroverts who may feel hesitant about approaching an introvert may be able to ask the help of the community manager to facilitate their interaction.

All this is made possible because of the friendliness displayed by the community manager in a stress-free environment.


Key Takeaway

Co-working spaces may at first prove to be non-beneficial for both introverts and extroverts because of the starkly different personality types they exhibit. However, as they eventually ease into that type of environment, you will discover that not only can they thrive, but they can also productively coexist with one another.

If you own a co-working space, the guide above has hopefully given you an overview of just some of the benefits it can provide for both introverts and extroverts.