5 Tips to Avoid Distractions While Working

How do you avoid being distracted at work?

  1. Disconnect from the internet
  2. Stick to your schedule
  3. Clean up your workspace
  4. Surround yourself with productive people
  5. Let your co-workers know


Everyone has experienced getting distracted while working, whether it is because of other co-workers or a cluttered workspace. Even if you work from a virtual office in Manila, there are still many possible online distractions that can deter you from work. In order to help you be as productive as possible while at work, here are some tips to help you avoid distractions


Disconnect from the internet

One of the most common sources of distraction nowadays is the internet, there is no denying that it is very hard to ignore whenever we get a Facebook notification or message. If this is a major cause of distraction for you, disconnect from the internet or turn off your smartphone. However, if you work from a virtual office in Manila and need the internet or your cell phone for work purposes, there are still many ways to block online distractions. You can put your phone on silent, download app blockers for social media apps, turn off your notifications, and many more.


Stick to your schedule

Stick To Your Schedule

Another tip for avoiding distractions is to make a schedule and stick to it. Planning your day and listing the tasks you need to accomplish will help a lot in keeping you away from distractions. Moreover, make sure to allot time for a break or two during the day. By having a set time for breaks, you will feel less tempted to get distracted and take too many breaks throughout the day. Additionally, spending a few minutes to rest will help re-energize and motivate you for your next tasks.


Clean up your workspace

Even if you do not mind the mess in your workspace, this could unknowingly be a cause for distraction for you. Cleaning and organizing your workspace will lessen the number of visual distractions and help you have a clearer mind while working. Another tip is to have a tray or portion of your desk to keep your pile of tasks and to only have one project in front of you at a time. This will keep you from getting distracted and jumping between unfinished tasks.


Surround yourself with productive people

Surround Yourself With Productive People

If you are the type to be easily distracted while working alone, try working with a group of productive friends or co-workers. Surrounding yourself with productive people will help motivate you to be just as productive. In addition to inspiring you to focus on your work, being around productive co-workers will also lessen your chances of being interrupted while working.


Let your co-workers know

On the other hand, it is possible that being around others causes more harm than good for you. If you have a hard time focusing when working with other people, find a quiet spot or room in the office to work in. If this is not an option, you can always politely ask your co-workers to chat elsewhere or let them know that you need to be left alone to concentrate on a difficult task.


Key Takeaway

We all struggle against our own personal distractions while at work, whether it’s our phones or co-workers. The key to being productive at work is to know what distracts you and to actively make a plan to avoid these distractions.

Pros and Cons of Playing Music in the Workplace

What are the pros and cons of playing music in the workplace?

  1. PRO: boosts morale and improves mood
  2. CON: can cause distraction
  3. PRO: helps break up mundane or boring tasks
  4. CON: may bother other employees
  5. PRO: drowns out co-workers
  6. CON: employees may not hear others calling for their attention


In several workplaces in the Philippines such as a virtual office, many enjoy listening to music while they work or study because they claim that it helps them focus. On the other hand, there are those who cannot work productively while listening to music and prefer to work in quiet atmospheres. To resolve the debate on whether or not music is beneficial to have in the workplace, here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of listening to music while working.


PRO: Boosts productivity and improves mood

Pro Boosts Productivity And Improves Mood

Music is known for improving people’s moods and this is also true when working in a virtual office in the Philippines. Additionally, many argue that music can also increase a person’s productivity. Generally, music without lyrics like classical, instrumental, and nature noises are associated with increased productivity. But at the same time, more upbeat genres like pop or dance music can help energetic workers concentrate better. Additionally, music can also boost creativity and inspiration for artists and other jobs involving creative thinking.


CON: Can cause distraction

On the other hand, there are those who argue that music does the exact opposite and results in more distraction. This can be true when attempting to do math problems or write essays while listening to rock or heavy metal music. More often than not, the effect of music on productivity will depend on the music genre and the type of work the person is doing.


PRO: Helps make mundane tasks less boring

Pro Helps Make Mundane Tasks Less Boring

Listening to music does not only boost a person’s mood but also helps break the monotony of mundane work. It is a way of keeping yourself entertained on days when you feel sluggish or when your work requires to repeat tasks over and over. This is especially true for jobs that involve labor or physical work. Furthermore, listening to music can be just the thing you need to get you feeling alive and motivated throughout the day.


CON: May bother other employees

However, one disadvantage of playing music out loud or through speakers is that not everyone may like or enjoy it. Keep in mind that not everyone has the same music tastes as you do, and various genres affect each person differently. For instance, pop music may help you concentrate but this might not be true for your co-worker seated next to you. One tip to avoid this is to ask your co-workers if it is okay for you to play music before doing so. When in doubt, stick to using earphones to avoid bothering your co-workers.


PRO: Drowns out co-workers and other distractions

Pro Drowns Out Co Workers And Other Distractions

If you have a hard time concentrating with co-workers talking or other office noise, then listening to music could be the answer to your problem. You will likely find it much easier to concentrate while listening to soothing instrumentals or classical music than listening to your co-workers speak on the phone or the sounds of machines.


CON: Employees may not hear others calling for their attention

While listening to music can help drown out other noises in your workplace, this might work too well and keep you from hearing others calling for your attention. This is especially problematic if customers are trying to get your attention and you cannot hear them. One tip to prevent this from happening is to keep the volume of your music low enough so that you can still hear when others try to call your attention.


Key Takeaway

Everyone has their own methods and preferences for staying focused while working, and listening to music is just one of the many options. Listening to music while working does not have the same effects on everybody, so remember to be sensitive to the needs of others while at work.

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3 Tips for Staying Fit and Healthy While Working in an Office

How can you stay fit and healthy while working in an office?

  1. Take every opportunity to walk
  2. Remember to stand and stretch throughout the day
  3. Bring packed lunch


Working in a virtual office in Manila often means sitting at a desk for several hours at a time. However, a lack of physical activity in our daily life is very harmful to our health. Because work takes up the majority of our time, it is important to incorporate as much physical activity as we can into our work routine in order to have a healthier lifestyle. Here are some easy and realistic tips for staying fit and healthy while working a desk job in an office.


Take every opportunity to walk

Take Every Opportunity To Walk

There is no denying that working in a virtual office in Manila entail lots of sitting, so it is important to take every opportunity that you can to walk. Rather than drive your car, walk, bike, or commute to work instead. If you have no choice but to take your car, you can try parking a few blocks away from your office and walking the rest of the day. However, your dose of physical activity for the day should not be limited to your commute to and from work. You can spend a portion of your lunch break to take a walk outside and get some fresh air. Another tip is to take the stairs instead of the elevator when going up and down one or two floors. Taking every opportunity throughout the day to get your body moving will go a long way in maintaining your health.


Remember to stand and stretch throughout the day

Another way to increase your activity levels throughout the day is to stand and stretch every few hours. Another benefit of this is that it will help wake you up on days you feel particularly tired and sluggish. Research has shown that sitting down for more than 40 hours a week is very harmful to the body. Thus, it is important to stand every now and then. One popular tool being used in offices are adjustable tables, which all you to alternate between working while standing and sitting.


Bring packed lunch

Bring Packed Lunch

Another easy way to stay fit and healthy while working a desk job is to bring your own packed lunch to work. Eating out all the time is not only very expensive but the food offered in canteens and restaurants are not always the healthiest. You have more control over what you eat when you pack your own lunch and snacks, making it easier to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. Additionally, bringing healthy snacks will help keep you from being tempted to buy snacks from the nearby vending machine or convenience store. It may seem very hassle to prepare packed lunch every day, but your body and bank account will both be very grateful for the effort.


Key Takeaway

Staying fit and healthy takes a lot of effort and is very difficult no matter what job you have. By being conscious of what you eat and how active you are throughout the day, you will surely have a healthy lifestyle that everyone hopes to have.

Benefits of Studying in a Co-working Space in BF Homes

What are the benefits of studying in a co-working space?

  1. Focused environment
  2. Interacting with like-minded people
  3. Avoid Isolation
  4. Amenities that can aid schoolwork
  5. Better time management


It has become more commonplace to see a co-working space in the Philippines, with some of the country’s young and savvy entrepreneurs making use to of these spaces to collaborate and create new networks and establish start-ups. Along with these opportunities to establish and collaborate, co-working spaces are also affordable, providing office space for rent in BF Homes Paranaque and amenities at a reasonable price.

Other than the country’s young professionals, students are now also looking into studying in these co-working spaces as well. In fact, some students see studying in co-working spaces a much better option than studying in coffee shops, as they have a good range of amenities and benefits that help create a better environment for studying. With that in mind, here are the benefits of studying in a co-working space in BF Homes.


Focused environment

Focused Environment

While a coffee shop offers perks such as snacks, desserts, and a wide variety of drinks, they tend to be loud environments that are not conducive for studying. Co-working spaces offer a much more comfortable and relaxed environment that would help students focus on their studies.

With dedicated desks and tables, students also have enough space for their study materials, compared to the small tables and corners in a coffee shop. With a quiet space and a comfortable atmosphere, co-working spaces are surely the best places to help you get focused on studying.


Interacting with like-minded people

Co-working spaces allow you to interact with a wide variety of people from different industries. This enables co-workers to be able to share and learn new ideas from each other and expand their personal network for future business opportunities. Students can also capitalize on this environment as well, as they can learn from these young professionals, and gain new insights and lessons based on their skills and experience.

Along with studying, students can immerse themselves with the professional co-working environment, which allows them to get a glimpse of what they will experience in their career after finishing their schooling.


Avoid Isolation

Studying alone can negatively impact physical and mental health, which affects a student’s overall focus. Studying in a conducive working environment that allows you to interact and share ideas with people provides helps stimulate your mind, allowing students to immerse themselves in their studies even more.


Amenities that can aid schoolwork

One of the best perks of studying in a co-working space is being able to make use of a variety of amenities that can help with schoolwork. Most co-working spaces offer free internet usage, which is beneficial when it comes to studies related to research and allows them to contact fellow students to help with their studying.

Printing and copying services are also present in co-working spaces, which is essential for students that need to submit school papers or print studying materials. These amenities provide students with the tools they need to make their studying experience more comfortable and convenient, all in one affordable package.


Better time management

Better Time Management

By having a comfortable environment that helps students improve their focus while studying, they can also practice better time management when it comes to finishing their schoolwork. A recent study has shown that 74 percent of co-workers have felt they have been more productive when they started working in a co-working space. Students can benefit from this study, as more would move to co-working spaces to study and do schoolwork. Learning how to manage your time efficiently is an important lesson to learn in today’s environment, and having students learn this skill only allows them to perform better.


Key Takeaway

Co-working spaces are not only great environments for young professionals, but they are also conducive studying environments for students as well. With a comfortable and productive environment, along with a variety of helpful amenities, students will truly benefit from studying in co-working spaces.