Pros and Cons of Playing Music in the Workplace

What are the pros and cons of playing music in the workplace?

  1. PRO: boosts morale and improves mood
  2. CON: can cause distraction
  3. PRO: helps break up mundane or boring tasks
  4. CON: may bother other employees
  5. PRO: drowns out co-workers
  6. CON: employees may not hear others calling for their attention


In several workplaces in the Philippines such as a virtual office, many enjoy listening to music while they work or study because they claim that it helps them focus. On the other hand, there are those who cannot work productively while listening to music and prefer to work in quiet atmospheres. To resolve the debate on whether or not music is beneficial to have in the workplace, here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of listening to music while working.


PRO: Boosts productivity and improves mood

Pro Boosts Productivity And Improves Mood

Music is known for improving people’s moods and this is also true when working in a virtual office in the Philippines. Additionally, many argue that music can also increase a person’s productivity. Generally, music without lyrics like classical, instrumental, and nature noises are associated with increased productivity. But at the same time, more upbeat genres like pop or dance music can help energetic workers concentrate better. Additionally, music can also boost creativity and inspiration for artists and other jobs involving creative thinking.


CON: Can cause distraction

On the other hand, there are those who argue that music does the exact opposite and results in more distraction. This can be true when attempting to do math problems or write essays while listening to rock or heavy metal music. More often than not, the effect of music on productivity will depend on the music genre and the type of work the person is doing.


PRO: Helps make mundane tasks less boring

Pro Helps Make Mundane Tasks Less Boring

Listening to music does not only boost a person’s mood but also helps break the monotony of mundane work. It is a way of keeping yourself entertained on days when you feel sluggish or when your work requires to repeat tasks over and over. This is especially true for jobs that involve labor or physical work. Furthermore, listening to music can be just the thing you need to get you feeling alive and motivated throughout the day.


CON: May bother other employees

However, one disadvantage of playing music out loud or through speakers is that not everyone may like or enjoy it. Keep in mind that not everyone has the same music tastes as you do, and various genres affect each person differently. For instance, pop music may help you concentrate but this might not be true for your co-worker seated next to you. One tip to avoid this is to ask your co-workers if it is okay for you to play music before doing so. When in doubt, stick to using earphones to avoid bothering your co-workers.


PRO: Drowns out co-workers and other distractions

Pro Drowns Out Co Workers And Other Distractions

If you have a hard time concentrating with co-workers talking or other office noise, then listening to music could be the answer to your problem. You will likely find it much easier to concentrate while listening to soothing instrumentals or classical music than listening to your co-workers speak on the phone or the sounds of machines.


CON: Employees may not hear others calling for their attention

While listening to music can help drown out other noises in your workplace, this might work too well and keep you from hearing others calling for your attention. This is especially problematic if customers are trying to get your attention and you cannot hear them. One tip to prevent this from happening is to keep the volume of your music low enough so that you can still hear when others try to call your attention.


Key Takeaway

Everyone has their own methods and preferences for staying focused while working, and listening to music is just one of the many options. Listening to music while working does not have the same effects on everybody, so remember to be sensitive to the needs of others while at work.

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7 Essential Types of Furniture and Appliances to Have in the Office

What furniture and appliances are essential in offices?

  1. Computer equipment
  2. Communications
  3. Desks and worktables
  4. Comfortable chairs
  5. File cabinets
  6. Microwave and refrigerator
  7. Whiteboard wall


When working in a virtual office in the Philippines, the furniture and appliances found in the workplace play a major role in productivity. We often take basic pieces of furniture like desks and telephones for granted. Nonetheless, investing in the best types of office furniture will make a big difference in the productivity and mood of everyone who works there. Here are some essential appliances and pieces of furniture needed in an office.


Computer equipment

Computer Equipment

No virtual office in the Philippines would be complete without desktop computers and necessary accessories like keyboards, mouse, and more. You will also need to install various software into each computer for protection against viruses, word processing, backing up of data, and other needs of your office. Besides this, it is also ideal for every office to have a multifunctional printer that can fax, scan, and photocopy in addition to printing documents.



Another essential for offices is to have communications systems including a telephone line, internet connection, answering machine, desk telephones, and more. Nowadays, it is next to impossible for an office or any workplace to function without internet and telephone systems. Because of this, it is important to invest in a reliable communications system to avoid encountering problems in the future.


Desks and worktables

Desks And Worktables

Obviously, you can’t have an office without desks to work on. To make the most of your space, make sure to invest in desks that come with storage space like drawers and cabinets. These will come in handy for storing desk supplies like pens, post-its, paper, and other personal items. In addition to individual desks, you will also need larger work tables for group meetings.


Comfortable chairs

Another must-have in every office are comfortable chairs. Because people will be spending the majority of their day sitting at their desks, comfort is an obvious priority when buying office chairs. One common type of chair found in offices are ergonomic chairs, which have adjustable parts to provide maximum comfort for a range of people. Additionally, this type of chair is known for correcting posture and supporting your back very well.


File cabinets

File Cabinets

Staying organized is extremely important when working in an office so having organization supplies like file cabinets, folders, and envelopes will surely prove to be very useful. These will keep all of your important documents in one place and avoid any of them from getting lost or messy.


Microwave and refrigerator

Give your staff the option of bringing their own packed lunch and snacks to work by providing a communal microwave and refrigerator for the entire office.


Whiteboard wall

Whiteboard Wall

Another incredibly useful tool to have in the office is a whiteboard wall where you can write notes during meetings, place schedules, stick up announcements, and many more. This will also mean stocking up on whiteboard markers, erasers, and magnets.


Key Takeaway

Even though many of these seem very trivial, no office could function well without them. Investing in basic furniture that is both high-quality and practical will make a big difference in making life in the office easier and more productive.