7 Signs That You Need a Vacation

What are the signs that you need a vacation?

  1. You start getting sick from work
  2. You have trouble sleeping
  3. You make more mistakes at work
  4. You develop unhealthy coping mechanisms
  5. Your interpersonal relationships are suffering
  6. You lack motivation
  7. You are extremely guilty of taking a vacation


In a world where feeling too stressed out has become a common thing, the typical daily routine of individuals goes like rushing to the office, hurrying to get mountains of paperwork done, and logging off to catch up on personal responsibilities. However, when you spot the clear signs that you need a vacation, it might be best to do so.

Ask yourself, “When was the last time I had some time off?”. It’s important to make sure you receive a much-needed rest to alleviate burnouts, which can cause serious physical and mental problems if ignored. Here are the telltale signs that you need to go on that vacation you’ve always daydreamed about. Read on!


You Start Getting Sick from Work

When you constantly feel overwhelmed while working, your brain responds by releasing stress hormones. In the long run, the chemical reaction has inevitable physical consequences such as increased blood pressure, stomach problems, chest pain, backaches, eye strain, headaches, dizziness, and even fainting.

Furthermore, the exhaustion you experience from the workload can compromise your immune system and make you more prone to the flu, colds, and other infections.

Keep in mind that getting sick might be your body’s way of telling you that you need a vacation. It’s better to take some time off than to prevent other chronic health conditions.


You Have Trouble Sleeping

Asian young woman sitting on bed take sleeping pill or

The very same stress hormones from overworking may also make it difficult to fall and stay asleep. Stress can force your body into a hyper-alert state which disrupts the sleep cycle. Over time, this can result in chronic insomnia.

Sleep is important for a healthy body and mind. If you find yourself tossing and turning at night because of thinking of so many things, it is time to manage your stress levels and get a better sleeping schedule. This can be achieved by heading to a vacation spot with a tension-free environment.


You Make More Mistakes at Work

Do you keep making mistakes on tasks that have always been a routine? Are you missing deadlines? Or do the most basic tasks seem hard to accomplish?

According to a psychological expert, the body’s “fight or flight” tunnel vision can negatively impact the ability to concentrate. When you are stressed, your focus is directed on the threat. However, chronic stress makes it difficult to pay attention and impairs your memory. This is what makes it hard to solve tasks and have efficient decision-making skills.

If you want to prevent costly slip-ups with the company, it would be best to take a break.   What most people fail to realize is that taking a vacation often leads to renewed focus. The improved energy and creativity levels you gain prove to be helpful for a fresh perspective when going back to work.


You Develop Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms

hand holding cigarette and smoke on black

Drinking too much, smoking, becoming too sedentary, overeating junk food, not eating enough, or not sleeping enough — these are some of the things people do to drag themselves to work. If you find yourself developing unhealthy coping mechanisms, you may be suffering from burnout. Consider taking a vacation to avoid the vicious cycle.


Your Interpersonal Relationships Are Suffering

Too much stress can result in three negative things for interpersonal relationships. First, you easily get into arguments with other people. Second, you withdraw when talking to people. Third, you miss out on important occasions because you can’t seem to take your mind off work. This might be the perfect time to put the brakes on yourself and set some time to relax and bond with your loved ones.


You Lack Motivation

Portrait of a man lying down at desk near laptop

Do you feel your work spirit flagging? Or maybe you can’t remember what it is that made you love your work? When you don’t feel as enthusiastic about what you do anymore, there is a big chance you are experiencing burnout. A good indicator of losing motivation is when you find yourself lonely when waking up in the morning for work. It might be time to get away.


You Are Extremely Guilty of Taking a Vacation

This sign might seem like an oxymoron, but if you find yourself extremely guilty of taking a vacation, it may be a sign to book a trip. Use your paid vacation leave. No matter how much you love your job, everyone needs to take a break once in a while. Remember that taking a vacation helps prevent burnout, which can make your work suffer even more.


Key Takeaway

These are some of the telltale signs that you need a vacation. When was the last time you had some time off? In order to avoid burnouts, serious health issues, and letting your work suffer, planning a trip is one of the best things you can do.

Coping with Work Stress During COVID-19

How do you cope with work stress during COVID-19?

  1. Educate yourself about covid-19
  2. Establish a healthy routine
  3. Talk to other people
  4. Enjoy your free time


There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused stress for many people. The fear of the virus and the abrupt change in the normal way of living have affected people negatively. But life must go on and people must keep on working to live. It is important to still enjoy life while staying safe. Today we listed down the ways on how to cope with work stress during COVID-19. Read on!


Educate Yourself About COVID-19

People experience anxiety nowadays due to the fear of the virus. It will affect you the more you don’t know. That’s why it’s important to educate yourself about COVID-19 and the dos and don’ts that go with it. Focus on the things that you can do, like limiting going outside, social distancing, wearing face masks and shields, and disinfecting regularly. When you have knowledge about the virus and how you can avoid it, your anxiety will lessen. Knowledge is power!


Establish A Healthy Routine

Business woman having online video call via laptop computer whil

The pandemic has changed our work routines, whether we work on the front lines or from home. During this time our health became our number one priority. But not having a routine can be stressful. It can feel like you have so many things to do but you do not have time to do them.

After working for some time at these tough times, you may now have a rough idea of the tasks and responsibilities that you need to complete. Take time to reflect on what you need to prioritize and what work demands you need to do per day. Think back to the routine you had before the pandemic. Rest your mind from work after work hours. Do not forget the important things you do to take care of yourself. This includes eating right, exercising, and sleeping enough at night. Having a set time for these things will ensure that you get enough rest every day.

In these uncertain times, we can only make some effort in the things that we can control, and that includes our routine. Having a routine can be less stressful because it can make you more productive and as time goes by you will get used to the daily tasks. Remember to include rest and play in your routine for a balanced work and life.


Talk to Other People

Nowadays people feel high levels of stress due to the fear of the COVID-19 virus, anxiety about their jobs, and loneliness because of being stuck at home. Other people choose to keep it to their selves instead of opening up about their emotions.

Talk to your manager if you feel that your workload is affecting your mental and physical well-being. Your supervisor or manager will know best about the responsibilities you have and the role you take at work.

Don’t bottle up your feelings and open up to trusted people. Having a shoulder to lean on will help with your emotional well-being. Know that other people are probably experiencing the same things and you are not alone. You can do this!


Enjoy Your Free Time

Enjoy Your Free Time

As a front liner or remote worker, most of your mental or physical strength may be already be depleted at work. During this pandemic, it is hard to enjoy your free time because of health worries and long hours at work. Enjoy your free time, relax your mind, and avoid burnout. There are many things you can do at home, especially now that you have more time with your family. You can also spend some alone time if you prefer. Reward yourself for doing great at work, you deserve it!


Key Takeaway

Now that the new normal has changed it is important to know the ways on how to cope with work stress during COVID-19. Educate yourself about the virus and how you can protect yourself and loved ones, establish a routine that will make everyday life more manageable, talk to your manager about high-levels of stress and how to solve it, and always make time for relaxing and spending time with your loved ones. Here is to hoping to a more enjoyable work-life during the pandemic!

Best Places in BF Paranaque to Release Post-Work Stress

Where are the best places in BF Paranaque to release post-work stress?

  1. Central Aguirre
  2. MTOM PC / Buzz
  3. Shakes and Ladders
  4. Alamat BF Paranaque
  5. Turtles KTV


If you are part of the working population, then you would know that work-related stress is no joke. There really is no escaping the dreaded worries that come with work which is why de-stressing is an important aspect of managing your professional life. If you are working around Paranaque or the Metro South in general, then you are in for a treat because here are some of the best restaurants, cafes, and bars in BF Paranaque where you can release some post-work tension.


Central Aguirre

Dance lovers

Central BBQ Boy is a famous chain of resto-bars in Metro Manila focusing on popular Filipino favorite foods and booze. The branch in Aguirre Avenue is their first-ever branch which is why there is a certain aura that comes with eating and drinking. Their grilled food is delicious and their original cocktails are also tasty and potent.

The best part about Central is its convenient location as it is situated along Aguirre Ave, and close to small offices and co-working spaces such as Workplays.


MTOM PC / Buzz

If you are not into drinking and more into video games, then maybe an internet cafe is much better option. MTOM PC / Buzz is one of the best internet and gaming cafes in BF Paranaque. Their computers are state-of-the-art and their premises are always clean. They also serve Korean food, coffee, and shakes so that all your needs are met while you are surfing the net or releasing your stress on your in-game enemies.


Shakes and Ladders

Shakes and Ladders

We have seen the rise of board-game cafes in recent years and Shakes and Ladders is one of the best ones around. This branch on El Grande Avenue is the second since the success of their flagship cafe in Maginhawa over at Teacher’s Village, Quezon City. With a simple yet delicious offering of sandwiches, rice meals, pasta, and shakes, you can kiss your stress goodbye while enjoying a round of your favorite game with workmates and other friends.


Alamat BF Paranaque

Going back to restaurants and bars, Alamat is one of the newest additions to the ever-growing and beloved food & drink scene in BF. While Alamat is more of a restaurant than it is a pub, like the original branch in Poblacion, Makati, they still have some of the best Filipino culture-inspired food recipes and cocktails.

Alamat could be one of the classiest ways of de-stressing in BF, which is why you should try eating or drinking (or both) there after work. It is also located in Aguirre Ave, a few paces away from the previously mentioned Central.


Turtles KTV

Senior Vietnamese couple

Last but not least, you have Turtles KTV. Can this even be considered a proper list of locations and establishments to release post-work stress if there is no singing or karaoke involved? Singing karaoke is heavily ingrained into Filipino culture which is why it is the best way of having a good time and doing away with stress.

Meanwhile, Turtles has many KTV rooms, which means you and your friends can be accommodated regardless of your party size. On top of that, they serve alcohol and food in the karaoke room which means you can have an even better time while singing your favorite tunes.


Key Takeaway

If you are working in BF Paranaque the possibilities and options are almost too numerous to count. From internet cafes to restaurants and bars in BF Paranaque, de-stressing after work is no longer that much of a problem. By maintaining a good balance in your personal and professional life, you are giving yourself the best chance of being successful.