Nail Your Next Virtual Presentation with These 7 Tips

What are some good tips to nail virtual presentations?

  1. Test Out Your Internet Connection and Audio
  2. Utilize Up-To-Date Tools
  3. Make it Visually Appealing
  4. Make Your Words Readable
  5. Look into The Camera
  6. Remove Distractions
  7. Practice


If you’re one of those individuals who are working remotely or from home, it is well worth investing some time in learning how to execute a seamless and engaging virtual presentation. Compared to in-person presentations where you have so much room to work with, virtual presentations impose quite a few challenges and intimidation. Tech issues, distractions, or your audience can also stray away. Because of this, you need to work twice as hard. Luckily, we’re here to give you some great and effective virtual presentation tips to deliver a powerful, fun, and engaging presentation! Read on for more!


Test Out Your Internet Connection and Audio

Tech issues are definitely one of the major mishaps that come with presentations. But, with in-person presentations, you can still go on and engage with your audience until it gets resolved. With virtual presentations, you no longer have this luxury. So, to ensure a seamless and tech issue-free presentation, make sure to test out everything beforehand. Make sure that your internet connection has good speed — enough to cover everything you’ll be doing. You’d also want to test your audio and your microphone. You wouldn’t want any of these to fluctuate during your presentation.


Utilize Up-To-Date Tools

Asia businesswoman using computer talk to colleagues about plan

The possibilities of technology are endless! There is a plethora of online tools nowadays that you can utilize to make your virtual presentation convenient, fun, and engaging! Craft it by adding in chats, polls, features, and more.


Make it Visually Appealing

You have one biggest challenge in virtual presentations — distraction. Your audience will likely be more distracted during these times, so make sure to step up your game! Visuals are one of the most effective strategies for this. To capture your audience’s eye and attention, incorporate informative and visually appealing graphics. Or you can even switch up the colors and the fonts to make it look more organized. But make sure that it isn’t overwhelming as well.


Make Your Words Readable

A beautiful Asian business woman is working with her computer at home , Telecommunication , social distancing ,Work from home concept

It’s best to add in minimal words to your presentation and let yourself do all the talking instead. This way, your audience will have their ears on you. However, if you will add in some text to your presentation, make sure that the font size and type are readable.


Look into The Camera

It may seem awkward to be talking to a camera at first, but this step will make all the difference. Looking into the camera will make each individual feel like you are talking to them personally.


Remove Distractions

Portrait beautiful young asian woman use computer laptop with sm

Before you head on to share your screen, make sure that there are no unnecessary tabs, distractions, or any possible intermissions. Plus, you should also stay in a clean, clear, and quiet area to avoid any interruptions.



As the saying goes “practice makes perfect”. It’s always a good idea to practice and run through your virtual presentation. This way, you can also relieve your nervousness and makes sure that everything goes seamlessly.


Key Takeaway

In this COVID-19 world where most of us are now working remotely or from home, it pays to be equipped with some great virtual presentation tips. Try these out for yourself! Use these strategies above and you’re bound to execute a powerful, informative, fun, and engaging virtual presentation.

5 Time Management Tips for Remote Workers

What are time management tips for remote workers?

  1. Find A Routine That Works for You
  2. Delegate Your Tasks for The Day
  3. Have A Designated Working Place
  4. Reduce Clutter and Distraction
  5. Know When to Stop Working


Working remotely definitely holds amazing benefits. It offers you flexibility, you get to be responsible for your time, and you can work wherever and sometimes, whenever you want.  However, this can only be true if you are great at time management. It is the very key to working remotely. Without it, many problems can fall under your lap — distraction, less productivity, no social life, and it can even lead to burn-out. Fortunately, we’ve got a few tricks up on your sleeves. Today, we’ll be sharing our tried-and-true time management tips for remote workers. Continue reading for more.


Find A Routine That Works for You

Truth be told, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy and routine to working remotely. Unlike your typical 9-5, with remote working, you are completely responsible for all your time. From how you structure it, spend it, and how you keep accountable with things. With all the flexibility you are given, it is up to you to make use of it wisely. This is the beauty of working remotely. But it can also feel challenging for first-timers and for those who are so used to a routine.

It is normal for things to feel contesting and overwhelming at first. But, get creative! Explore different routines each day and see which one you’re most comfortable in. You will ultimately find something that works for you.


Delegate Your Tasks for The Day

Before you begin to work, take a few minutes to create a to-do list of tasks. Write down and note all the things you want to achieve within your time of working.

Having a specific to-do list is a highly effective method in time management. Unlike jumping from task to task and wondering what project to take on for the day, you are given a structured and set schedule to work with. This will minimize procrastination and get you into a productive flow within the day.


Have A Designated Working Place

Your working area and environment play a huge role in how you manage your time, too. Since you are given all the freedom to work wherever you want, choose wisely.

One problem with working from home is that it is so easy for your career to bleed into your home life. Because of this, you may not have any boundaries and will work longer hours than you should. If you choose to work from home, create a physical boundary and ensure that you designate a space exclusively for work.

Or if you can, it is best to move to a co-working space to create a useful physical boundary. This creates a healthier work-life balance and will definitely help you manage your time better. Plus, there’s no better place to remote work than co-working spaces — they are built for exactly that!


Reduce Clutter and Distraction

Modern workplace with laptop computer, coffee cup and office supplies

Distractions — it is one of the top culprits of ineffective time management. It is so easy to get distracted when you are working remotely. If you want to establish healthy time management, eliminate all possible distractions. Whether it be your phone, social media, or even the clutter that lies within your desk.


Know When to Stop Working

Because of all this time and flexibility, it can also be so easy to overwork. This is why it is so important to establish a routine and set a schedule. Make sure you clock in and out when needed and never strain yourself.


Key Takeaway

Time management is the key to successfully working remotely. With these time management tips for remote workers, you will surely have a seamless transition into remote working life and maximize it to its full potential.

Achieving Work-life Balance Easily

What are some good tips to achieve work-life balance?

  1. Manage Your Time at Work
  2. Set Boundaries
  3. Enjoy Your Weekends and Days Off
  4. Make Time for Yourself and Your Loved Ones
  5. Don’t Overlook Your Health


Nowadays, it is getting more and more challenging to not get eaten up by work. While it is completely fine to value career and your job, putting other parts of your life on the back burner, isn’t. Creating a healthy work-life balance is critical, especially during these times when it can be a struggle to establish boundaries from working at home. Your physical health, mental health, and even your productivity will depend on it. Here are some tried-and-true work-life balance tips you can try out:


Manage Your Time at Work

Time management is an essential part of a healthy work-life balance. A good way to do this is by planning your day out. List down all the important tasks you need to tackle within the day and stick to it. Dedicate your time to work on working hours and avoid time-wasters such as scrolling through social media or anything that details your attention and productivity. This will all result in more free time at the end of the day.


Set Boundaries

beautiful young asian woman working remotely from home and smili

It can be so easy to merge your working life into your personal life, especially if you are working from home. However, without implementing serious boundaries, you are bound to feel more burned out, tired, and unproductive. If you are working from home or remotely, make sure to establish a dedicated space just for work. This can be as simple as a small desk or using that spare room as a home office. You can also consider working in a co-working space for a complete visual boundary.

Additionally, when you are out of work, avoid thinking about your tasks or doing anything work-related.


Enjoy Your Weekends and Days Off

Having no work on weekends are implemented for a reason. Make sure to take your days off seriously. Don’t answer calls, emails, or even think about anything work-related. Completely give yourself and your body time to, recharge, and relax.


Make Time for Yourself and Your Loved Ones


A huge chunk of your time every day is dedicated to working. So, once you’ve finished your tasks for the day or on your days off, make time for yourself and the people that you love.


Don’t Overlook Your Health

A proper work-life balance requires you to prioritize your health as well. It is so easy to overlook your well-being while you’re working for hours every day. Make sure that you stay hydrated, consume healthier food, and get an ample amount of sleep and rest each night.


Key Takeaway

Work-life balance isn’t just a buzzword. It is a critical part of our lives that we should never overlook. A healthy work-life balance will lead to better physical and mental health, increased productivity, and happier life. Try out these effortless work-life balance tips to make things easier for you!