3 Ways to Better Manage Your Virtual Office Team

What are some ways to better manage your virtual office team?

  1. Create a standardized onboarding process
  2. Implement productivity systems
  3. Communicate



Working with virtual team members and managing remote employees from virtual offices in Manila and other cities can sometimes make you want to tear your hair out. Virtual teams can be tough to manage because you still need to create a corporate culture even if most of your staff is working remotely.

You might be surprised to know, however, that this is not a problem that is unique to you. A survey conducted by Workforce 2020 has claimed that 83 percent of executives from different companies plan to increase the use of consultants or virtual employees over the next three years.

But, the ability to hire people from any part of the globe might also just be the greatest strength your company has because it makes it easier for you to find talented workers. As long as you take into consideration these three ways to better manage your virtual office team, you too can get even your most remote workers motivated, coherently active, and productive.



Create a Standardized Onboarding Process

Create a Standardized Onboarding Process

There is little chance for your virtual employees to get the same kind of “learn by watching over the shoulder” method that usually happens in an office. Once you hire a remote worker, make sure that you have a training program in place that educates them about your company as well as the way you do things.

Do everything you can to help them learn how to perform their role and get adjusted to your company (videos can work well or this). You can even have your new virtual employees interview your customers to better learn how your company helps them.



Implement Productivity Systems

Your company can fall apart if you haven’t implemented the right productivity systems yet. To some degree, a business run from a traditional office can compensate for not having the proper systems and processes simply by the fact that people can look over each other’s’ shoulders and talk in person.

In a virtual office, however, each person might as well be in their own world so it is best to have a standardized, documented way of working that is constantly being refined. For instance, make sure that there is a way to measure the productivity of your team. Establish the key indicators of success for each job and ensure its transparency. This way, you can quickly know whether each team member is being productive or not.





One of the key reasons why many virtual office teams fail is that they neglect the fact that the members of the team are not in constant contact with one another. They tend to forget about the other team members and live in their own world. They do not collaborate or communicate as much as they need to.

You need to create the opportunities for you and your team members to just “chat” whether it is related to work or not. This means that in a virtual environment, you actually need to “over-communicate” and provide more opportunities such as regular meetings for your team to talk to each other.



Key Takeaway

The workplace has evolved over the past few years. Young professionals are more attracted to remote or flexible work than ever before and find it no longer necessary to come into an office every day to conduct business. As the decision-maker in your company, you can leverage this technology to hire and manage a team of virtual employees.

Managing a team comprised entirely of employees working from virtual offices in Manila or other cities can be a challenge. But with the strategies outlined above, you can maximize the advantages and reap the benefits of this new model.

How Virtual Offices in the Philippines Are Improving Productivity Virtual Office Philippines

What are some of the major factors that prove how virtual offices are innovating productivity?

  1. Eliminates typical workspace distractions.
  2. Creates opportunities for better work and life balance
  3. Improves efficiency
  4. Opens new means for creativity


In today’s business world, more and more operations are searching for ways to boost their growth by riding the waves of contemporary ingenuity. Virtual offices in the Philippines are becoming more of a common option in business proceedings and management.

If you are in the midst of expanding your operative horizons, and looking for different offices for rent in the Philippines, a great idea would be to consider venturing into the efficiency-enhancing terrains of the virtual office world.

Here are some major points that show how virtual offices are setting the modern standards for office productivity:


Minimal Distractions

One of the initial factors that makes a virtual office so compelling to a significant proportion of business proprietors and their employees is that virtual offices eliminate tendencies for social distraction. At the same time, can maintain and even boost co-working exchanges.

Isolated working environments may not be for everyone, but the option to work on a digital sphere at any physical location can very much increase operational capacities by allowing employees to station themselves where and how they see fit to get things done.


Achieving Work and Life Balance

Another age-old issue when it comes to physical offices is commuting and the problems it can commonly cause: energy drainage, spending time that could be better utilized, etc. Virtual offices evidently grant employees relief from these restraints that could potentially burn them out in the long run.

When it comes to scheduling, the ideal time assignment, allotment, and distribution for tasks in coordination with life is now within reach and in the hands of the employees themselves. Maturity, discipline, and responsibility are definite pre-requisites. Once the employees find the right work-life balance, productivity can go even beyond what can normally be found within the confines of a traditional office.



New Avenues For Efficiency

As a CEO or manager, you are now able to significantly widen the scope of the potential individuals that you see perfectly fit for jobs that need to get done. The limiting factor of your options being within location-reach is no longer an unpassable roadblock with the online capabilities of a virtual office.

Efficiency is also propelled because employees objectively take fewer sick days. The option to choose one’s most optimal working conditions enhances the way an employee goes about his or her workload. With that being said, time no longer becomes a heavy anchor of a determining aspect when it comes to work output –the actual goals themselves become the primary root for which the task stems and bears fruit the desired output.


Sparking Creativity

Creativity can be said to be harnessed from a genuine disposition. Virtual offices enable employees to exercise their more imaginative when it comes to problem solving and handling their assigned tasks –they become happier in their mental frame.

As previously mentioned, virtual offices give employees the option of working in any physical environment where they would prefer to get their work done; this allows creatives to explore and be inspired by changing surroundings, boosting creativity.


Key Takeaway

Virtual offices in the Philippines may not necessarily be ideal for every business operative, but they certainly are becoming a go-to option for those looking to explore more practical ingenuities in today’s world of growing digitalism.

3 Design Tricks for a Highly Productive Workspace

Any type of office, no matter the location – whether it be a co-working space in Singapore, virtual office in the Philippines, or a traditional working space in the US – prioritizes productivity above anything else. Businesses focus on their employee’s performance and productivity, to increase their client’s satisfaction. This is directly related to their business’s survival and success. So, most business owners or employers focus on exercises or methods that can possibly increase productivity; but, what they often forget is that productivity starts with an employee’s working space.

If you’re an employer, here are some design tips that can promote a productive workspace!

#1. Let The Sun Shine

If you’re working in an office that has windows which allows the sunlight to come in, always let it in! Most people avoid the sunlight because they believe it can heat up the room but if you’re working in an air-conditioned office, this won’t be a problem! Actually, letting the sunlight in is a proven way to increase people’s productivity, mood, and even their overall well-being. There are numerous studies that have been conducted to test the sunlight’s effects on one’s activity rate and productivity, and all of them point to the same conclusion, that sunlight has a positive effect on people’s rate of work!

But, what if your office is situated in a place where natural light exposure is minimal? You can install smart LED lighting! It can mimic natural light which can have the same effects as exposure to sunlight! Also, it’s a great alternative to regular fluorescent light which is less energy efficient.

#2. Keep The Music Playing

If you’re a team leader or a person that handles employees, allow them to listen to music whilst working. Studies prove that listening to music while working can definitely increase one’s productivity and also improves a person’s mood! But, if playing music is not doing the trick, there are numerous studies that recommend a list of songs that can be used to improve a person’s mood and increase their productivity.

While listening to music is a proven way to increase productivity, there are contrasting research which argues that listening to music is too distracting for some people. This just shows that you should invest in knowing what type of employee you have. If they are the type to be motivated by music then create an environment that will allow them to listen to it.

#3. Yellow Is Not Just Mellow

Most offices have their walls colored by either gray or white – which are neutral – while these colors are not distracting, they also don’t have any effects on a person’s productivity which begs the question: What color should you use? In the world of color theory, the color red is one of the most stimulating color, but along with its stimulation it also promotes negative emotions like aggression, which is why most offices are not colored red.

But, if you paint your walls with the color yellow, it will have the same stimulating effect as the color red but without the negative emotions! If you think that painting your office walls with the color yellow is too drastic. You can always opt to have furniture or decorations that have the yellow accents in them, which can still have the same effect!

Investing in an office space that can possibly promote creativity and productivity will never be a waste of money. While it can be costly, it will surely bring positive results in regards to your business. When you think about it, a client that is happy means that your business has provided satisfactory service. So, invest on something that can help motivate your employees and build up your business!