The Do’s and Don’ts of Asking for a Pay-Raise

What are the do’s and don’ts of asking for a pay-raise?

  1. Have an agenda
  2. Time your proposal right
  3. Be professional
  4. Write and rehearse your pitch


If there is one thing many employees find difficult to do, it is knowing how to ask for a pay-raise. It can be a daunting task to do, especially if your boss is rather hard to approach. However, there will come a time where you will need to ask for an increase in salary, whether you’re planning to make an investment or thinking of starting a family.

One of the reasons why people find it hard to do is because they may not know how to do it properly. If you want to be successful when asking for a pay-raise, knowing what you must and must not do will certainly be helpful.

To help give you an idea, here are some of the do’s and don’ts of asking for a pay-raise.


Have an agenda

Just like the many other things you do in life, it is better to ask for a salary increase with a purpose or agenda in mind. For example, let’s say you are planning to send your child to school and the tuition fee is on the hefty side. A bigger salary can help you pay for it. If you’re single, you can ask for a pay raise if you’re planning on buying your very first house. There will also be moments wherein you are working very hard, but feel like you are not compensated properly. In this case, asking for the right amount of compensation can be warranted.

Don’t make a proposal or pitch for a pay-raise without good reason because not having one will make it hard for your boss to approve it. There are many legitimate circumstances that can justify an increase in salary, and as long as you have one and are able to communicate it properly, your chances of getting it will improve.


Time your proposal right

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Aside from the agenda, timing must also be considered. There are moments or specific periods in time where it can be optimal to ask for a pay raise. Asking while your company has seen an increase in clients or generally experiencing a time of prosperity can be the best way of doing it. Sometimes, it can even be as simple as catching your boss or manager on a good day.

Don’t ask for a pay-raise during a stressful period or when your company is going through a rough patch. It is almost certain that they will be looking for avenues to cut-costs instead of incurring more, which is what will happen if they decide to increase the salary of their workers and employees. Always be mindful of the timing before making the proposal.


Be professional

Employers love it when their employees are professional not only in their work ethic but also in the way they approach asking for a pay-raise. Being professional means being patient and respectful. For example, you should always wait at least six months before even thinking about asking for a raise. You should also wait for a week or so before asking for an update once you do make the proposal in order to give the upper management to think about it.

Respecting other people besides your boss is paramount to ensuring your success and proving that you are professional. Never include other members of the company in the talk because they do not concern your salary. One of the worst things you can do is complain about the higher salary of your co-worker, thinking that you are as valuable as him or her. Focus on your own achievements and merits, and present them to your boss as proof that you deserve a raise.

Don’t be too demanding, and if your request is denied, don’t get too emotional and take it like a professional. Instead, accept the decision and continue proving to them why you should’ve deserved that raise. Sooner or later, your company will notice your efforts and will reward you accordingly.


Write and rehearse your pitch

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In conjunction with having an agenda, the last thing you would want to do is ask for a pay-raise unprepared. Your boss might ask you some questions and probe into why you deserve it. If you don’t have anything concrete prepared, it might leave you looking less deserving of a raise.

List down your agenda beforehand and fashion a simple script to guide your proposal. Don’t forget to rehearse it a couple of times, so that you will not end up running out of convincing things to say. Confident delivery is key in this regard because if you are not confident that you deserve a pay-raise then how can your boss be confident in granting it? Make sure to add to your list a compilation of achievements you have done, the additional tasks you have taken up, and new things you have learned while working in your company. Coming up with a plan to help improve your work’s success is also helpful.

Type and print all of this information in a comprehensive way and give a copy to your boss and other supervisors during your talks. This way, you can have a legitimate discussion over your request and improve your chances of having it approved.

Don’t ask for a pay-raise unprepared because your supervisors notice this and make a decision based on how they perceive your character and resolve.


Key Takeaway

Specifically knowing how to ask for a pay-raise can boost your chances of getting it. By applying the do’s and don’ts listed above, you are better prepared for the time you will need to ask for a bigger salary or wage — something that will enable you to make bigger and better life decisions and helps you progress in your working career and life as a whole.