3 Design Tricks for a Highly Productive Workspace

Any type of office, no matter the location – whether it be a co-working space in Singapore, virtual office in the Philippines, or a traditional working space in the US – prioritizes productivity above anything else. Businesses focus on their employee’s performance and productivity, to increase their client’s satisfaction. This is directly related to their business’s survival and success. So, most business owners or employers focus on exercises or methods that can possibly increase productivity; but, what they often forget is that productivity starts with an employee’s working space.

If you’re an employer, here are some design tips that can promote a productive workspace!

#1. Let The Sun Shine

If you’re working in an office that has windows which allows the sunlight to come in, always let it in! Most people avoid the sunlight because they believe it can heat up the room but if you’re working in an air-conditioned office, this won’t be a problem! Actually, letting the sunlight in is a proven way to increase people’s productivity, mood, and even their overall well-being. There are numerous studies that have been conducted to test the sunlight’s effects on one’s activity rate and productivity, and all of them point to the same conclusion, that sunlight has a positive effect on people’s rate of work!

But, what if your office is situated in a place where natural light exposure is minimal? You can install smart LED lighting! It can mimic natural light which can have the same effects as exposure to sunlight! Also, it’s a great alternative to regular fluorescent light which is less energy efficient.

#2. Keep The Music Playing

If you’re a team leader or a person that handles employees, allow them to listen to music whilst working. Studies prove that listening to music while working can definitely increase one’s productivity and also improves a person’s mood! But, if playing music is not doing the trick, there are numerous studies that recommend a list of songs that can be used to improve a person’s mood and increase their productivity.

While listening to music is a proven way to increase productivity, there are contrasting research which argues that listening to music is too distracting for some people. This just shows that you should invest in knowing what type of employee you have. If they are the type to be motivated by music then create an environment that will allow them to listen to it.

#3. Yellow Is Not Just Mellow

Most offices have their walls colored by either gray or white – which are neutral – while these colors are not distracting, they also don’t have any effects on a person’s productivity which begs the question: What color should you use? In the world of color theory, the color red is one of the most stimulating color, but along with its stimulation it also promotes negative emotions like aggression, which is why most offices are not colored red.

But, if you paint your walls with the color yellow, it will have the same stimulating effect as the color red but without the negative emotions! If you think that painting your office walls with the color yellow is too drastic. You can always opt to have furniture or decorations that have the yellow accents in them, which can still have the same effect!

Investing in an office space that can possibly promote creativity and productivity will never be a waste of money. While it can be costly, it will surely bring positive results in regards to your business. When you think about it, a client that is happy means that your business has provided satisfactory service. So, invest on something that can help motivate your employees and build up your business!

5 Communication Etiquette to Practice in the Office

What most people often forget is that there’s a fine line between the comfort and professionalism. There’s no harm in talking with people but if proper etiquette is not observed when communicating – especially in the workplace – people might just get the wrong message. If you want to have a successful endeavour, then you should perfect your communication skills, as the exchange of ideas and information is crucial for any business. Proper communication is important in any workplace, no matter what type or where it’s located; whether it be a co-working space in the UK, virtual office in Manila, or open space office in China.

If you don’t know the proper communication etiquette for the office, here are some of them!

#1. Focus On the Other Person


It doesn’t matter if you’re an expert in multitasking, giving your sole attention on the other person will always be appropriate. If you have an email to reply to or a text message you have to read, kindly tell the other person and avoid multitasking. It’s not just appropriate it’s also a sign of respect, by giving your attention to another person you make them feel that they’re worth your time. Also, if you’re not focusing on the person, you might miss social cues that define where a conversation is headed.

#2. Listening Is Underrated


When miscommunication occurs, it may come at a cost; such as lawsuits, loss of respect, or misunderstandings. The way to avoid this is by simply listening to the one talking instead of thinking of a response already. Listening is too underrated in a fast-paced setting like a workplace but when it’s practiced consistently, it’ll develop into a habit. This will allow you to pay attention with all intent and listen to anyone who’s talking.

If you didn’t hear or understand something, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification. Showing physical cues can also be helpful because smiling, or nodding appropriately can let the speaker know that you’re paying attention.

#3. Appropriate Timing


When you want to talk to someone in the office, first, check if they’re not busy. Because communicating with someone while they’re busy may be counter-productive. This is because you may only get their divided attention or they could annoyed because you’re disturbing them. Also, if you’re the one who’s busy, you should ask the other person if it’s urgent, if not, ask them if you can talk to them later because you’re trying to finish something. Tell them as kindly as possible and they’ll surely understand.

#4. Appropriate Delivery


Along with proper timing, your delivery should still be observed. Before you talk to an officemate, try to determine if that particular matter is supposed to be conducted through a face-to-face discussion or you could just tell them through an email or text. Talking face-to-face is not always the answer; by practicing the right delivery you can practice efficient habits in whatever work setting you’re in.

#5. Questions Are Important


Effective communication will never be a one-way street, it’s an act between two or more people. Asking questions – specifically open-ended ones – will always be one of the most effective communication skills a person could have. By doing this, you’ll make the other person feel that they’re worth your attention.  This also means that the conversation is a priority because when you ask questions, the conversation will be longer and more meaningful.


Communication skills and etiquette is one of the most important assets a person could have. Effective communication can always make or break a business so, always practice your communication skills and etiquette and you’ll have less problems in the long run.

5 Best Productivity Software or Apps

Work-life balance is essential to keep yourself productive and well-rested at the same time. The question is, how can you manage your time properly? One effective way to achieve work-life balance is by using productivity software or apps, especially if you are planning to work in a co-working space. In the Philippines, co-working spaces seem to take the spotlight in the business scene. This kind of working environment provides a healthy and exciting vibe to young professionals and entrepreneurs alike. In fact, co-working spaces promote both creativity and productivity since you are spared from distractions, especially if you have productivity software or apps around to help you.

But with all the emerging software and apps in the market, how can you find the right software or app that will maximize your time and increase your efficiency? Don’t worry here is a list some of the most effective and efficient productivity software and apps that will definitely help you improve your working style to become more productive.


Evernote is an app optimized for both desktop and mobile platforms. This software enables its users to collect, nurture, and share ideas to their colleagues. By using this app, you can do your note taking, organizing, and archiving of your files, whether you’re in your office or at home.

Google Keep

Google continues to be a major contributor to many businesses because of their different innovations. One of the most useful tools they have is Google Keep. This app is accessible for everyone as long as they have a Google account. Google Keep allows its users to quickly take notes on the go or even record voice memos. This would be a big help for everyone when suddenly a creative idea pops up, then, they can easily take note of it. Moreover, the files in the app are stored online, making it more accessible to the users.

Momentum App

Momentum app is a simple browser extension that helps you focus on one task only. This app has pop-ups that reminds you to stay focused every time you open a new tab. Why at this time? Because opening new tabs, at most times, lead to new unrelated websites which tend to be unproductive. This app will make sure there are no distractions to break your momentum.

Pomodoro Timer

Pomodoro technique is one of the efficient time management methods ever created. Because of this, a Pomodoro Timer app was designed to aid people in managing their time. This app lets users focus on one task at a time and schedules a 5-minute break in between tasks. This makes sure that you get the perfect balance of work and rest to be effective. This is especially important when you are working in a co-working space, an informal working environment.

Site Block

Browsing through different websites, especially social media sites can really be a big distraction when you are working. With this, Site Block, a Chrome Web extension, will be the best tool to help you stay focused as its automatically blocks websites, depending on the settings you made. Site Block also tells you the list of websites you often visit while it is still blocked.


Your career life should not be difficult and stressful, even if you juggle various tasks at the same time. The key is to be focused, organized, and have productivity software or apps installed. Luckily, technology has been giving us efficient apps, software, and tools just like the mentioned above to help us in manage our time and task well. So, what are you waiting for? Start downloading these software and apps to become the best productive person you can be.