Fun Event Ideas for Co-Working Spaces

What are some fun event ideas for co-working spaces?

  1. Demo sessions
  2. Weekly breakfast
  3. Leadership workshops
  4. Panel discussions
  5. Hackathon


Co-working spaces have been a ground-breaking avenue for different professionals to collaborate with one another. The more relaxed environment enables them to more productively work on their tasks, without the pressures of a typical and hierarchical office structure.

Though despite the positive qualities presented by co-working spaces, they also cultivate some level of monotony to foster within the community. As such, community managers engage their members in events that serve as breaks from the typical office monotony.

Make your co-working sessions more interactive and fun for your members through these event ideas for your co-working space.


Demo sessions

If you’re a coworking space community manager, you’re always looking for fun and innovative ways of engaging your community. One way by which you can achieve this is by hosting demo sessions.

Simply put, demo sessions are a great way for startups and developers to showcase what they’ve been rigorously working on. For example, people working in the HR industry can showcase a centralized employee management system which would make it easier for them to track all of a company’s employees’ absences, leaves, and whatnot.

Demo sessions are a great way to open up avenues for collaboration among the co-working space members. They may get a chance to voice out their feedback on a particular program, or system that was introduced by a member.


Weekly breakfast

Business Team Celebration Christmas Party Concept at office.

Though simple in nature, weekly breakfasts are a great opportunity for co-working space members to interact with one another. Each individual in the community might not always get a chance to get to know their peers and colleagues.

Weekly breakfasts do not simply involve food and other refreshments. This could also give the members a chance to interact with one another and get to know each member on a more personal level. Even more so, the members may even get a chance to form connections with professionals with similar interests – they may even meet their future business partners through this practice.

The relaxed environment offered by a breakfast routine allows the members to interact with one another more freely and more organically.


Leadership workshop

It cannot be emphasized enough that leadership is an important aspect of any endeavor. Leadership is the essential quality needed in order for things to get done in the most efficient way possible.

Another great way of shaking up your co-working space’s routine is through hosting monthly leadership sessions. These workshops are useful for professionals who are aspiring to become better managers for their respective teams. Workshops offer invaluable knowledge that the co-working space members won’t be able to get anywhere else.

As a community manager, taking initiative on value-adding activities not only enhances community engagement and builds rapport but also develops future professionals in management positions.


Panel discussions

People Meeting Seminar Office Concept

As mentioned before, a community member inside a co-working space is comprised of different individuals coming from vastly different professional backgrounds. They might not necessarily get a chance to interact with the other members of the community simply because of the busy day-to-day work life that they’re faced with.

Organizing panel discussions is a great way for the members of your community to gain knowledge from other different fields. These structured sessions not only offer welcome breaks from work but can also create potential networking partners. As such, each panel should have a point person which will facilitate the discussion of various topics.



Some of the most essential members of a company or an organization are web developers and web designers. For example, a company focusing on SEO as one of its primary services needs the expertise of these professionals in order to develop intuitive and aesthetically-pleasing websites for their clients.

Hackathons are sessions where web developers, creative designers, project managers, and anyone involved in the IT, or computer science industry collaborate with one another in sprint-like fashion. The purpose of these sessions is to develop, design, or build a software project.

Hackathons allow these professionals to display their human ingenuity and can enable them to potentially develop products that can be useful for the organizations they work for or manage.


Key Takeaway

Breaks in the typical office monotony are essential for professionals to survive and re-energize themselves for the next set of tasks they have to accomplish. If you’re a coworking space community manager, then you would understand just how important it is for your community members to build a level of engagement among themselves.

Fun event ideas for your co-working space not only foster the creativity of each of your members, but they also serve as avenues for your members to develop close and personal relationships with one another. Hopefully, you will be able to adopt several of these ideas and create a close and tightly-knit community.