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4 Unique Work from Home Break Ideas

Improves performance

What are some unique work from home break ideas?

  1. Jog in place for 15 minutes
  2. Play with your pets
  3. Eat your favorite meal
  4. Play a short video game


The work from home lifestyle has been going on for more than a year or so. While most have successfully adapted to this drastic change, many are having difficulty in some aspects, be it staying motivated, maintaining focus, or balancing work and life. Most experts have touted the benefits of taking at least 10 to 15-long work breaks to re energize and take on a new task. But few have been able to provide solutions once the novelty wears off. If you’re one of these people, then maybe a fresh new set of work from home break ideas may be just what you need for productivity. Check them out.


Jog In Place For 15 Minutes

If there’s simply not enough time in the morning for your morning run, then sneaking in a few jogs during your work break may give you just the endorphin boost that you need. Short exercises are extremely effective at increasing energy levels, reducing fatigue, and restoring focus.

For someone who’s been staying far too long staring at a computer screen, a quick jogging break also offers a break in the monotony of work from home life. Instead of just sitting idly and watching as the minutes of your break pass, make it worth your while by putting on some jogging shoes then breaking a sweat at an acceptable pace to some lively music.


Play with Your Pets

Fur moms and dads have a shared understanding of what it’s like to work from home with pets. It does have its ups and downs — one simply cannot get a bit of productivity when their puppy makes the choice to sleep on a computer keyboard. In much the same way, pets at home require just the same amount of TLC they’ve been provided while you were going to the office in the past.

It may be time to change your perspective on the role that your pets play in your work from home life. Take their quirks as welcome distractions to an otherwise dull work day. Make time to play with them, rub their bellies, or reward them with a few treats simply by existing. Quality time with pets, after all, have been associated with a significant decrease in stress, better productivity, and an overall improvement in your mood.


Eat Your Favorite Meal

Not everyone will be able to afford preparing and having a full breakfast at home. Especially when you live alone, doing all this work can be too tiring — you’d rather settle with a warm cup of instant coffee and some toasted bread. You simply don’t have the luxury of time, and you’re paying for it by sacrificing a square meal.

Reward yourself for a change. During your lunch break, take it as an opportunity to order your favorite meal or satisfy a food craving that has been lingering for quite some time now. Not only will you be able to work with a full stomach, but you’ll also drastically improve your ability to remain focused on your tasks, no matter the gravity.


Play A Short Video Game

Much of the discussion about working from home has revolved around eliminating almost every distraction imaginable — video games, loud noises, fidget toys. However, the fact of the matter is that no one is prone to temptation to give in to these.

The next time you’re tempted to distract yourself from work by playing a few short minutes of an RPG or MOBA, try not to resist and allow yourself these few minutes of relaxation. Contrary to popular belief, video game breaks offer numerous benefits, such as boosting overall mood, lowering stress levels, and improving morale. Playing games may be something to look forward to, especially after spending all day taking calls, drafting contracts, and what have you.


Key Takeaway

Need an effective way to manage your work from home life? These work from home break ideas might just help you get back on track. From interacting with your pets to playing a short video game, these tricks may help you cultivate a more positive outline. Change up your daily work break routines and find creative ways to spend your breaks, no matter how short they may be — you definitely deserve it.

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