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Co-Working for Introverts and Extroverts

What are the benefits of co-working spaces for introverts and extroverts?

  1. No pressure to socialize
  2. Flexible
  3. Chance to discover new clients
  4. Friendly community managers


The modern era has led to many types of technological advancements. Not only that, but it has also made changes in the way people socialize with one another. Different modes of interactions were brought about in many aspects of society, particularly in the workplace. Non-traditional modes of employment, or working together, have been born, making people ponder about the benefits of co-working spaces.

Through co-working spaces, people from many walks of life and interests have been able to interact with one another, sharing their ideas and opinions. Deviating away from the typical office hierarchy has allowed different kinds of people, like introverts and extroverts to interact in a much more relaxed setting, without the added pressure to socialize.

Though at first there seems to be a dichotomy between the two, introverts and extroverts can actually simultaneously thrive in co-working spaces. Continue reading to find out more about how co-working spaces benefit both introverts and extroverts.


No pressure to socialize

One of the most common misconceptions people have about introverts is that they’re shy, soft-spoken, and have difficulty open up. While some introverts may display such behavior, these adjectives are actually not characteristic of them. The very thing which separates introverts from extroverts is the way they both expend their social energy.

In simple terms, introverts have something called a ‘social battery’ which typically drains over time, the longer they spend socializing or talking to other people. When this battery drains, they need to spend a few moments in isolation to recharge once more. Extroverts’ social batteries, on the other hand, never seem to run out.

When these two types of people converge in co-working spaces, no such rift will be formed. The very fact that the environment is still a working environment, gives extroverts the idea that people around them have to work on their own tasks, in their own time. Everyone is busily accomplishing a deliverable. On the other hand, co-working spaces allow introverts to work at their own pace, without the need to talk to everyone all the time.



Though a co-working space is still a community, it offers several avenues that make it flexible for both introverts and extroverts.

As mentioned before, introverts aren’t necessarily people who shy away from the interaction. It’s only that their social battery needs to be filled up again before they can begin mingling. These types of people can enjoy working in a quiet, isolated area in a co-working space where they can be totally engrossed in their task.

Meanwhile, since extroverts are natural social butterflies, they can head to the open areas in a particular co-working space where they can have discussions with like-minded individuals. Once introverts feel like they’re ready to socialize, they can move away from their corners and join the rest of the group.


Chance to discover new clients

One of the best things about co-working spaces is its ability to bring people of different backgrounds, and cultures, together. As such, both introverts and extroverts can view co-working spaces as opportunities for them to build connections with individuals who can provide advantages in their professional careers.

Every individual, without any consideration about their personality types, has valuable skills and knowledge they can potentially offer other people. For example, an introverted content writer who has plans of building their own SEO company may be able to find an extroverted web designer capable of building their webpage.

In much the same way, an outgoing accounts manager needs the exemplary writing skills of an introvert who can be seen silently and dutifully working in their own space.


Friendly community managers

Co-working spaces, in order to function in the most organized way possible, need the leadership of a community manager. The job of the community manager is not only to make sure that every amenity in the space is in working order but also to facilitate different connection-building activities for the people utilizing the space.

Community managers are aware of the diverse pool of people in the co-working space, and as such, they recognize that each have their own strengths and weaknesses.

Introverts who feel socially-drained, but need to build connections through networking, may ask the help of the space’s community manager to introduce them to other people. On the other hand, extroverts who may feel hesitant about approaching an introvert may be able to ask the help of the community manager to facilitate their interaction.

All this is made possible because of the friendliness displayed by the community manager in a stress-free environment.


Key Takeaway

Co-working spaces may at first prove to be non-beneficial for both introverts and extroverts because of the starkly different personality types they exhibit. However, as they eventually ease into that type of environment, you will discover that not only can they thrive, but they can also productively coexist with one another.

If you own a co-working space, the guide above has hopefully given you an overview of just some of the benefits it can provide for both introverts and extroverts.

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