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Perils of Freelancing in Your Own Home

Perils of Freelancing in Your Own Home

What are the perils of freelancing in your own home?

  1. Lack of human interaction
  2. Slacking off
  3. No help or assistance



When you start working as a freelancer, the freedom you get can be exhilarating. For one thing, suffering through long hours of commute will be a thing of the past and there won’t be a dress code that you have to adhere to. It is like your very own virtual office. Manila-based freelancers use this to their advantage but sometimes there are challenges that come with working at home.

Remote work isn’t perfect and it still doesn’t beat the networking opportunities that a virtual office in Manila or any other location in the Metro can give you.

If you find yourself in a rut, with no progress in productivity, you might want to check out these perils of freelancing in your own home to find ways on how to fix the problems:



Lack of Human Interaction

If you are one of those professionals who thrive in a crowded environment, then working at home would probably make you feel lonely and isolated. However, this does not exclude introvert types because sometimes the lack of human interaction can become unbearable.

Thanks to the enhanced methods of communication from the technology today, you can still stay in touch with co-workers through chats, emails, or video calls, but personal encounters are still unmatched. A direct connection can enhance your social skills as well as establish trust and a solid professional chemistry with like-minded peers.

The authenticity that you would get from a face-to-face exchange can do wonders for your learning process and you cannot have this from your home, save for the occasional conversations with your housemates which can be distracting at times.



Slacking Off

Freelancing at home requires a strong sense of self-discipline and a great deal of self-motivation. Situating your office at home might push you to get carried away with the cozy atmosphere and this will end up in a decreased level of productivity.

Working alone means that you have to manage your own workflow, and most of the time, being your own boss leaves you no choice but to make yourself your greatest enemy in the battle of creativity, productivity, and progress. Not to mention that there are many distractions that will affect your workload which will result in the delayed execution of timelines.



No Help or Assistance

As previously mentioned, working from home means that you are all by yourself which means that you have no one to turn to when you need help. Relying on yourself will be a great cause of strength build-up but there are times when this could become difficult.

Working remotely will challenge you in terms of self-improvement but you might miss the rich collaborations, brainstorming, and the sense of community when you work among other people.

Collaborative work can prove to be the best. Independence is a great thing but being inspired by the work and ideas of other people can also be a rewarding experience.



Key Takeaway

Working at home can deliver many benefits to your work life but you have to admit that there are drawbacks to it as well. Consider working at a virtual office and you can get the best of both worlds: working alongside various personalities and you can work alone if your mood permits it.

Check out the office spaces for rent in your area and ask about virtual spaces for your freelancing needs.

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